Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Winter Vacation. Of Sorts.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."   ... Romans 15:13


Still here! Just taking a sort of winter vacation lately, living the peace, not writing about it. 

Even though I've not gone on a real vacation since September of 2010 (the cross country train adventure), still I must lecture my head that I deserve some time off, even if it's just around the house, which it always seems to be.

A woman's work never being done (and all that), it is difficult to just stare at said work and choose to not do it. Hence, I eventually give-in.

But anyway, if I'm scarce around Blogland this week, now you'll know why.

Today the sun returned(!) and I've been at the table, rereading The Apple Turnover Murder  and staring up at the sun (with eyes closed of course) and thanking God for all things, even for Neighbor Mike who shovels the sparkling snow for us and for (promise not to laugh?) my recently discovered, much-fun Netflix tv show: Wahlburgers.

Now, weeks ago on a Saturday, I passed through the living room and noticed Tom watching that show and rolled my eyes each time, shook my head and questioned his usage of time. But oh dear, when will I finally, truly learn to not judge a tv program after watching only two minutes of it? Sometimes I wonder.

All I know is that Wahlburgers delights me, makes me laugh aloud and even cry at times, especially the episode about Paul's 50th birthday. That one really got to me (sniff, sniff) and it's a great episode if you only have time to check-out one. And who doesn't love their mom, Alma? I especially like their stories of the old days when, as a family of 9 kids, they had so few things, but much love for each other. And lastly, I enjoy praying for these people.


Today is Naomi's 35th birthday and hence another reason I need a day off. Wow. What a mathematical impossibility, I muse! And yet it's true: my sweet little girl is 35-years-old. Oh, how fleeting, this thing called Time.

Well, the brownies in the oven are nearing the end of their baking time and my book awaits me as do the Wahlbergs. :)

I just wanted to check in with you all and let you know I'm still here, still alive and thinking good thoughts (not bloggable ones as of yet, though) and still surrounded by peace and much joy. And I'm wishing all the same for each of you.


Did you see this photo of panicked, before-the-storm shoppers yesterday in New York City?

This is why I so often nag recommend that we all stay stocked-up on groceries and ready for anything.  :)


Free Kindle books:

The Touch of Sage

The Rose Legacy

Guitar Adventures

Foreign Invaders


  1. Your snow storm must be over! Ours seems to be going on and on with cold winds finding every little opening to bring cold air into the house. I have bee so thankful for the daily free books that I am using because you pointed me in that direction. I have read through one or two books every day. So I will thank you once again.

  2. Happy Birthday to your daughter! She's beautiful!

  3. Happy Birthday Naomi!

  4. Happy Birthing Day to you, Debra! I like those days more than my own birthday, looking back on their birth. : ) The storm prep was something, wasn't it....and with so many blaming the weather people when it didn't hit new york. If it had been the opposite they'd be up in arms, too. They can't win. I saw an article on "the right way to shovel snow". I guess these things have to be taught.

  5. Happy Birthday to Naomi! She is lovely! My 1st born daughter turned 39 this month, so hard to believe! I do not feel over 40 myself!


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.