Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Maybe Alzheimer's Looms Ahead? Never Fear.

"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me... 

 ... for He has said, I will never leave you, nor forsake you."   ... Psalm 23:4, Hebrews 13:5


One of my all-time favorite movies? The Forgotten. Julianne Moore starred in that one and wow, all suspense movies should be that good. (Have you seen it? I just may need to watch that one again.)

And have you viewed the previews for Ms. Moore's latest film? I think we 'of a certain age' are gonna love Still Alice. Though, ok, it deals with Alzheimer's and I realize that frightens some. Maybe no one even knows how much it scares you.

Yet personally? I think those verses, above, are the best 'Alzheimer's Verses' in the entire Bible.  

I imagine that forgetting about your life, your people, feels rather like walking through a dark, untraveled-by-you valley. Scarey stuff, indeed.  
But I also believe that the deeper we knew and relied upon God before the strangeness pulled us away, the more likely we'll still feel His arm around our shoulders and our face against His coat as we step through those unfamiliar, grassy paths.

With Jesus there and Him being the lamp unto my feet and the Light upon my path, how dark could that valley really be? Where He goes, darkness must flee. 

So this is how I'm preparing for an unknown future-- I'm sticking even closer to Him now, learning to need Him and notice, really notice Him minute-by-minute. And reminding myself to chuck my own bright ideas and flawed reasoning in favor of following where He leads.

Now. While the days and my head are (mostly, but-uh-oh-sometimes!) clear and bright and I can remember where I've been, what I did there and who did those things with me. Now while I'm seeking to know Him better, now while I still realize what that means. 

And now while I believe all shall be well, somehow, as long as He walks beside me, bearing and being Great Light for all unknown paths ahead.


"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."   ... Isaiah 41:10

"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God."
    Author: Corrie Ten Boom


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  1. The 23rd Psalm is one of my favorite chapters. Reading your post reminded me of something a friend shared w/me. She's an RN and yrs ago, while reading the 23rd Psalm, she sensed she should work on memorizing it. Everyday she learned a bit more. Within a week, she knew it from memory. That day, while at work, one of her patients who was fading fast, stirred, and tried to say the 23rd Psalm, but could not remember the words. My friend held the patient's hands and led her in reciting the Psalm, perfectly. Then her patient closed her eyes and passed from this life to eternity. This little story is never far from my mind--it reminds me of God's great love for us.

  2. Just before my mom had to go into a nursing home, she used to come to my house to "help me with the grandkids".
    One of those days I was at the piano playing "It Is Well With My Soul". She was holding one of the kids, and when I finished she said, as clear as ever, "I want you to know that it IS well with my soul".
    She lived two more years, fading in and out, but it was such a comfort to know that she KNEW it was well with her soul.

  3. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Loved this post, Debra. Alzheimer's runs in my family... praying it won't hit me, but if it does, I know Jesus will be with me no matter what! I read the book Still Alice several years ago and really enjoyed it - nice that it's a movie now! Speaking of movies, we never go to the theater (well, almost never) but I'm so excited to go see Unbroken which starts soon. One of the finest books I have ever read... I just hope Angelina Jolie (producer of the movie) keeps in the complete ending which has a wonderful Christian message!!

  4. Pam--oh! Thanks so much for sharing that wonderful story. Isn't it incredible the things that happen when we obey that still, small voice?

    Judy--oh my goodness. I remember many stories about your mother, but I hadn't remembered that one and it made me cry. Seriously. I will never forget it! Thank you much, dear friend.

    Susan--Hi! :) Those aren't usually the types of books I usually read, but they're definitely the kind of movies I watch. :)

    And oh yes! Tom and I are considering seeing Unbroken on the week it comes out. It looks terrific and I'll hope along with you that the Christian message stays in there!

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra

  5. A good post, Debra.......I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the simple stories in An Avalon Christmas which you recommended recently....I'm still not well from the surgery in November and these were very good to read with such low energy. Very comforting!

  6. Oh Kristi! Somehow I missed that you were having surgery. Oh dear. I'm sorry you're still not well from it, but I'm so glad that the free kindle book cheered you! I'm pretty sure I saved that one and now I'll need to read it since you gave it your recommendation. I'll be praying that you'll heal and be healthy soon! Hugs, Debra


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