Sunday, November 23, 2014

Your Talent. It's More Vital Than You Realize.

"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young (or have a seemingly small talent), but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity."   ... 1 Timothy 4:12


If you've ever felt that God forgot to give you a helpful-to-others talent/gift/calling, read on...

You know how I've given you peeks of my grocery stockpiles like these here at Hobbit Cottage?

Well, unless you went news-less last week, you heard that our local Buffalo South Towns got socked with so much snow that they weren't allowed out on the roads for any reason for 5 or 6 days, lest they be ticketed. I even heard of 'walking bans' for the very first time. Imagine not being able to legally walk down your own street or to the corner market! (Not that many markets were even able to stay open.)

Well, at the Facebook page of my favorite local coupon blogger, she received lovely thank-you's like this one:

" I just want you to know that this isn't "mouth service". Without all the help from your page, I don't know if we would have had enough food in this house for 6 people for this long. I still have tons of soup, spaghettios, beefaroni, ramen get the idea. I've made 2 loaves of bread in my breadmaker today. I told hubby I have about 4 boxes of pancake mix...that might be his bread after today LOL. I just want and need to tell you how important your page has been to me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

And that was only one of the notes.

Now, is our local coupon blogger famous? Would you recognize her name? Is she a big time preacher/teacher/politician/musician/singer/crusader who's reshaping the lives of millions of people? 

No, but she's still a hero. 

Daily she shows the rest of us how to afford to feed our families in today's expensive world. She helps us create a bounty of provision for 'such a time as this'--last week's record breaking snowstorm. Because of her coupon and sale match-ups, hundreds of Buffalo's South Towns families had food inside their homes. And more? This may have saved lives, even, for some deaths occurred when people ventured out in their cars into the dangerous, life-threatening conditions.

But only God knows those sorts of numbers. 

Perhaps you have saved lives without knowing it! No deed is small or goes unnoticed by the God who knows exactly what's going on. What remains is that we daily obey and trust that what we do matters. And may we remember that someday we'll see what happened behind the scenes--not through a clouded glass--but clearly. And it will all be important.


Volunteer Snow Shovelers Hit Buffalo Streets...


"'Forward, the Light Brigade!' 
Was there a man dismay'd? 
Not tho' the soldiers knew 
Some one had blunder'd: 
Theirs not to make reply, 
Theirs not to reason why, 
Theirs but to do and die..."   ... Tennyson


  1. Debra, we watched the news and they featured volunteers in Buffalo. People were digging snow, helping care for elderly neighbors, and sharing food. Truly a heart-warming thing to see. Glad you live in such a fine area. I'll bet you and Tom could survive quite a while with your stockpile of good food! I like to do the same thing. When the forecast is filled w/doom, I never have to wonder whether or not I can feed the family. Hang in there.

  2. Pam--yep! Buffalo calls itself The City of Good Neighbors and it always feels its most true during the hard times. Isn't it a fun challenge to keep enough emergency supplies and food on hand for your family? Thanks for commenting! Blessings, Debra


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