Monday, November 03, 2014

That Sense of Impending Winter

"But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead..."   ... Philippians 3:13


Brrr! Here in Buffalo, Winter always seems to arrive on the night children knock on doors and shout, "Trick or treat." That's the trick that Winter plays on us--his early arrival--and he played it again, especially when he spit some snow at us on Saturday.

Oh well. I'm kinda ready for the constant cold. Maybe if I play mega doses of Rehab Addict I'll finish the Tackling All Things Annoying at Hobbit Cottage Game which I've played since Springtime.

Ah, sweet Springtime. Just the other day I planted marigolds beneath the cranberry tree and--. No, no... better not go there. Gazing backward never accomplishes what needs to be finished today, lest I find myself unprepared and too mentally tired to face tomorrow's challenges.

Anyway. Our big picture window did get installed this year (and lest you lost sleep over this, I finally painted the frame) and the wonderful news? Not a single river-view-stealing machine has parked down the street since Thursday morning. I'm thinking, hoping, that their work for the year is completed and inside I'm still doing giddy cartwheels. 

Such a busy week ahead for procrastinator me! I may go all "Best Of" here in my blog and I would apologize, but I still find some of those "Best Of's" helpful. Their lessons which took me far too long to learn, well, they help keep me sane and off the streets. There is that.  :)

Oh, and speaking of Halloween, some years Tom and I hand out candy, other years we sit in the dark. This year we sat in the dark. We munched on candy which Tom should not have brought home and watched Alaska: The Last Frontier, a series we never tire of and one which reminds us of two very important facts:

1.) Some people are called by God to live off the land.

2.) The rest of us are not.

Tom and I appreciate anything God uses to solidify the simple lifestyle we're discovering at Hobbit Cottage. Any day we'll take simplicity lessons which warn us out of complication/drama/discontentment. Gladly.


The one thing I love about Winter? Not having to mow the lawn, of course!


"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”   ... Genesis 8:22

(I must remind myself of that verse whenever I begin wishing all this gold outside of my windows would remain over the Winter.... That verse and Ecclesiastes 3:1, of course.)

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” 
― Edith Sitwell

“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.” 
― John Steinbeck


Free Kindle books:

Hearts in Defiance

Whimsy and Soda

Cat-Eye Witness


  1. I love that Edith Sitwell quote!

  2. Winter arrived here in Maine yesterday with a dumping of 14 inches of snow! Much too soon. I am thankful that it will all melt away in the next couple of days and perhaps wait until the end of the month for another round.

  3. What a great feeling it is to have the leaves raked, the lawn mowed for the last time, and the garden at rest. I look forward to every season, and winter offers that extra time inside to read, rest and enjoy the simple joys of homemaking. We have a new whole-house generator nearly set up for the wintry weather. I'd be thrilled if we never had to use it, though.


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