Thursday, September 18, 2014

It's Cold Outside! But It's Not Autumn Yet.

"For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” ...   James 4:14,15


Minutes ago I stepped out onto our front porch into the grey, blowy 56 degrees and thought, "Brr! Another morning that feels like Autumn." (We've had a few already.)

But it's not Autumn. Not yet. My calendar says it's still Summer and I'm not one to push past a season's gate to begin the next one early. Life sails across my eyes too fast already, like the boats on the river down the street, and it certainly needs no extra shoves from my head.

I'm learning to stay away from the 'I'll be glad whens' (when winter is gone, when that appointment is over, when we have more shelves) and just live fully in the thousands of imperfect days I'm given so that no day is wasted by wishing it away.

These are still fragile, fleeting days of Summer and I'll view them as such, squeeze some more time out in my yard with my watering can and spade and hedge clippers. Read on the porch if when it warms up again, walk a couple bags of stuff down to the Salvation Army bin and sniff the marigold scent upon my fingers.

Because it's still Summer, the last few drops, but Summer nonetheless.


If you asked Tom how many times I've reminded him at yard sales not to buy another small kitchen appliance, he'd reply, "About a million." We have no more room to store them and well, I find most handy-dandy kitchen appliances to be more complicated, time-consuming and flawed than just doing whatever task the old-fashioned way.

So guess what I bought last week? Another small kitchen appliance. (Blame our local Ways to Save Guy for recommending it.) Tom is still recovering from the shock.

It's a Greek yogurt maker and I know! Yogurt is one of the easiest things on the planet to make-- the only difficult part is when you stand over your stove and roll your eyes a hundred times while waiting for the milk to reach the perfect temperature without scorching. And I still must do that part.

And yet I love my new yogurt maker. It's cute and now it's ok that we have no pilot light in our oven and there's no relighting the oven every few hours and juggling a towel over the bowl and--

---it makes wonderful yogurt. Also, it fits just right on my handy-dandy roll-around tea cart. So there.  :)


Today Naomi and her boyfriend, Jake, are flying to Idaho so she can meet his parents. Naomi and Jake are getting pretty serious so we shall see what we shall see.

Anyway, we'd appreciate any prayers for their safety and that they'll have a pleasant week there. Thank-you much!


Free Kindle books:

A Love Surrendered

A Quest for More

Alaska Bound


  1. 56 degrees sounds wonderful to me! We have had so many 100+ days this summer! Looking forward to some high 60's this weekend for morning lows!
    Prayers for Naomi and her visit!

  2. Sending prayers your way and Naomi's way, and Tom's way,too.

  3. It's been terribly muggy and 'feels like' temperatures have been unpleasant. I've been eagerly awaiting the change of season and the cooler temperatures, but...
    I walked into the bedroom yesterday evening and realized that I am going to miss the play of leaf shadows across the walls and floors and I'm going to miss many other things about summer. Suddenly I wasn't so keen to have the season change before it's due.

  4. A few leaves are beginning to turn red on our maple trees, so I know summer is fleeting. Winters here in the midwest can be brutal (as are your winters, Debra!), so I'm going to try to enjoy all the pleasures of fall. Will pray for Debra--keep us posted.

  5. whoops...I meant I will pray for Naomi.

  6. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Prayers for Naomi, from here, too. Fifty six sounds good to me, we've had summer since April! However, we haven't had a hurricane this year, so everyone is happy. Joyce in Texas


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