Thursday, September 04, 2014

Fox News Not Spoken Here

"Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. "  ... Deuteronomy 11:18,19


So last week a friend came to Hobbit Cottage who we'd not seen in a few years and from almost Minute One he wanted to talk about Fox News. He said if he didn't have that station, he would never watch any other news. Period.

Oh dear. Well, I managed to take the conversation someplace else that time for, alas, Fox News is not spoken here. Yeah, it's spoken at Facebook, but I can't afford to go to the places where I've seen it drive some of my dearest friends. Frankly, I just don't want to go, though if you have fun there, more power to you.

Anyway, we all shared pleasantly what's new with our families and how God brought Tom and myself through 20 months of unemployment. Eventually though, our friend and Tom veered over to Israel (and some of its 20th century history) and then ISIS, which then veered over to (negative things said by our friend about) President Obama, but Tom steered it back to a better place.

I love my husband. He's the best guy around.  :)

I refuse to live my few short years on Earth in an angry political huff. I also shun treating political analysts' opinions like the Bible nor do I spread hatred for our President or rely upon any group to repair our broken land as only God and His ways can.

Basically, I refuse to let any news program rent space inside my head, giving it free reign to paint the walls black, hang thick shades at the windows and leave the whole place in shambles. 

I know my goals--and they are not those. 

What are they? Simply put: I want to lead people to the One who can change the way they see and experience everything, starting now, today, and lasting forever.

So there you go.


"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  This is good, and pleases God our Savior…” -1 Timothy 2:1-3

"But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night"   ... Psalm 1:2

"The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."   ... John 10:10


A man at Tom's job cleared out his office (I can't recall why) and offered some items to everyone. Tom brought home two spiffy lamps which I labeled 'just right' and as always, it amazes me the way God gives us presents:


And the little side table? With the new living room arrangement, Tom now needs my much-loved yellow iron table beside his recliner. So I ordered this table for me:

I especially appreciated the stained-glass look with this morning's sunshine upon it!


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  1. I applaud your desire to think positively. No, our leaders are not perfect (nor are we), but God is the One who holds the power to change them, ISIS, and anybody else who might threaten us. I'm banking on Him, no matter what happens. In the meantime, life is usually so doggone good, even when the trials come, so I'm gonna enjoy it!

  2. Oh, how I DO agree with you!

  3. Dolores11:54 AM

    Oh Debra, thanks so much for this post! My husband watches and listens to so much conservative radio and TV and is constantly in a rage about the goings on in the world. He bashes Obama everyday. Some days I feel beat up after he goes on one of his rants. I chose peace! He says I am out of touch with reality. On the other hand he is a great husband in every other way. So I guess I'll keep him. Lol

  4. I am so deeply grateful, Debra, that Fox News is not spoken in your home.......You have chosen the wiser path. Nothing that spurs people on toward rage and hatred can come from God.

  5. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Good post. There is so much ranting among folks about our president and I dare say not much praying. The Word tells us to pray for our leaders.
    I know God is in charge and is aware of the horrible events going on. Leaving it in His hands is best, I think.

    Jan from Maine

  6. How wise you are to keep peace and good thoughts in your home! Our home does not buy into Fox News and the ranting there. Given the complex world we live in we chose kindness over those people who want to tear things apart. We would much better build something than to tear it down.

  7. You have my vote for Most Reasonable Thought of the Week! I am surprised at the number of people who stay in an outrage over politics. Right before the last election, our pastor said he would tell the congregation, at the end of the service, who he was for in the election. His brilliant answer: I am FOR whoever gets elected. I loved that. Whoever was elected, he would pray for them just the same.

  8. Anonymous2:32 AM

    We try to stay away from any news. Local or cable. Saying that though I don't see where Fox is any worse than any other of them. They all go saying what they think, reporting it how they want and trying to get everyone stirred up. Events round the world can easily upset anyone and all channels have to report it. They all bash each other any more it seems. Having watched them all through the years I have found reporting by Fox more accurate on many things than others have been. I can turn off any shows I do not like on any channel. We can make our own decisions if any are needed. We don't even bring up politics or other weightily subjects around others, let alone argue with other people. Everyone is allowed their own opinion. When I do watch Fox I don't go to Fox to "have fun". I don't understand what your meaning is of "have fun". I mean no disrespect Debra. It is news and information not entertainment. You know I love coming here and agree we should keep our Presidents always in the highest regard and that God is the highest judge and highest authority. We should all pray for all our elected officials as we pray. Yet we are the ones voting and I believe God wants us to pray and keep our heads and ask for His guidance and be informed. Not with one-sided information but a well rounded information thought out in prayer. I do not know what is said on Facebook or you have heard other places. I don't do a whole lot on line. I have not been on Facebook or Tweet and such. I do not want to be a decent but it struck me how blunt and with a punch you said this all. Especially hitting on Fox in particular as if that is only their agenda. As you know I comment often ..and here I am again. I hope I will be welcome again next time. Sarah

  9. Thanks, Everyone, for letting me know I'm not alone. I appreciate your taking the time to let me know that you know where I'm coming from and that you've seen some similar things...

    Sarah--Please notice that I said I refused to let *any* news program rent space in my head. I only pointed out Fox specifically because that's the one which is hailed as being the most balanced and accurate, yet it's also the one I've seen turn many of my friends bitter toward half of our nation--the half they don't agree with. Alas. I barely recognize these (many) friends I've known for decades.

    I'll choose prayer, instead, because when we faithfully pray for others, we will no longer hate them. That's what I've found to be true, anyway.

    Thanks again, All! ... Debra


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