Friday, August 08, 2014

When The Flow of Possessions Stops...

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."   ...Matthew 6:19-21


This morning only three streets from Hobbit Cottage, I wandered through a small house at which there was an estate sale and oh, these people had been collectors who couldn't have believed in "condition, condition, condition" because every room was crammed with toys and stacked with games in rough, weathered shape. The basement overflowed, also, and 1970's clothes were stuffed in boxes everywhere, in each closet and even out in the garage.

And that's mainly all there was: toys, games, boxes of 1970's clothes and a few dishes, making it one of the oddest estate sales I'd ever attended, but one which caused me to pause in my own seeking of things, for alas! All those years of their radical collecting, but for what? It was all still there. Everything had been left behind.

Oh well, I brought home a very retro bed tray which I'll show you someday, a book and these twins who were too adorable to use in their intended way:

Aren't they sweet? Someday I hope to paint that wall, green, then they'll stand out more.

From another sale I found this bowl and flowers:

... and was surprised they looked this well here (I'd majorly hesitated in that driveway, standing there for whole minutes).

My other favorite find was these aqua cuties which I sat upon our kitchen window sill for oh, the smiles they tug from my lips:

And now with thoughts of that crowded estate sale house haunting me, I think I'll gather a few items which met a need at one time, but have ceased to do so. There is a time and a purpose for everything under Heaven, including the stuff we lug inside through our back door.


"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."   ...Luke 6:38


Yesterday I watched a delightful movie (via Netflix) with the always-wonderful Shirley Knight and lots of you would enjoy it, I'm certain. 

It's called The Redwood Highway and takes place in an area of Oregon which Tom and I have driven through many times. Now, a few parts are scary and I did fast-forward through the drinking scene (and wondered at her wisdom in consuming liquor after what had just happened to her), but all things considered, this was a perfect film for a quiet afternoon.

And lastly ... Does anyone else enjoy the show, Major Crimes? For me, I never even care what the plot is about-- I just love each character so much.  :)



  1. Rosemary8:27 PM

    Debra, those little elephants made me smile too :)

  2. Oh my gosh, those light switches are adorable. They'd make you smile every day. I used to collect S&P Shakers. Only whimsical ones like a miniature toaster with toast that comes out, a thanksgiving turkey that sits in a pot, french poodles that are "kissing", etc. I started collecting them when my kids were young and thought it would be fun to bring them out when I have grand kids and let them choose which ones to use when they visit. And now I have a 3 month old grand daughter! These days they sit neatly in a plastic box, though, waiting for that grand baby to grow a little because I got tired of dusting them. Haha.

  3. Anonymous1:09 AM

    There is no way our homes would hold such whimsy and fun if not for yard sales! :-) Our homes look unique you have to admit! lol But our house is US. what Hubby and I love around us and that is what home is about. What store now a days would cary such fun stuff? You see the same thing everywhere in modern stores but yard sailing or at the junk stores you see real one of a kind goodness! lol From a good iron skillet to a fun salt and pepper set. To a painting you could look at forever to a book you never heard of but know you will love! Sarah

  4. I've had exactly the same thoughts recently, Debra, since Ken and I have taken up garage sale-ing in a big way. We're trying very hard to "edit" our collections and always "delete" one or two things for every new thing we bring in. It's a cheap, cheap hobby, and once in a while we hit a bonus that makes it an investment! The fun is in the hunt, and even on the days we don't find one thing to spend our quarters on, we've enjoyed driving through new neighborhoods, spending time together, and appreciating all the material things we're blessed with...but know don't amount to a hill of beans beside the TRUE blessings of family, friends, good health, and knowing and serving the Creator of the universe!

  5. Anonymous6:52 PM

    I was scanning back on our posts and ran across this one. I had this film in my Netflix list and watched it a week ago. I forgot you mentioned it. I love Shirley Knight too. I wondered about her trying this trip but could feel her triumph at the end of it. It is good to know we can still do things we thought we may not be able to do any more. To try. To not be complacent. I was worried for her the whole way wondering what would be shown next though. :) Loved Richard Scaret too ...not sure of the spelling. He is always so good. He adds to any movie he is about his 'character' in Steel Magnolias. ! Sarah


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