Tuesday, August 19, 2014

For The Sensitive Folks Amongst Us

(That's only a primer coat of paint on the tea cart. The final one will be lighter)

"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."   ... Galations 6:2


So as Tom stepped up our kitchen stairs when he first returned home from South Africa, I told him, "Oh! And see? Here's the tea cart that I bought at a yard sale. I'm going to paint it light green, though, because it's too dark."

"Oh, that's a shame," Tom replied.

Ack! His first words to me, nearly, after 7 weeks away.

"Hey!"I said. It's not like it's wood." (I adore painted wood, but it practically brings Tom physical pain.) "It feels too much like I sat a big brown rock in here and I need it to look lighter."

As I said .... Men. :)

But you know? I realized it was a test. Would I allow my feelings to get all hurt? Or would I be able to separate that Tom wasn't rejecting me, but only the idea of a painted, light-green tea cart.


Have you seen this type of stuff going around online?

And people saying they're thankful that they're overly sensitive? (There are even websites dedicated to them.) 

I believe that being sensitive to how others feel and believe and acting in a concerned, caring manner is a wonderful, even biblical thing. There are lots of verses to back that up, certainly. Sensitivity is given in extra doses to creative people whose art touches the world and to those called to defend the down-trodden and care for those who hurt in myriad ways.


(I believe) sensitive folks must be oh so careful to not turn their sensitivity inward toward themselves. God didn't create the type of sensitivity that gets knocked down for 2 weeks (or 20 years) because cruel words were spoken or kind words were left unspoken, or unfair deeds were done (leading to an unintended form of selfishness, an I've-been-hurt-so-I-can't-help-you-ness). He's also not a fan of the sensitively that comes from immaturity nor from always-bleeding wounds which we never let Him heal, preferring to wear our hurts like an I've-a-right-to-feel-offended badge.

Yet to keep the balance? To use our sensitivity to help others, but not be crushed by personal, undeserved offenses? That is the cross which Sensitive Christians must bear.  

"Take up your cross and follow Me."

But thank-goodness! Jesus can keep us steady and heal our own hurts so that--rather than writhe and hide under our sensitivity, too stricken to aid anyone else--we'll remain free to reach out, lift up, and show others from Whom their healing can come ...

... and thus fulfill the dreams God is dreaming through us. 


"Don't be selfish; don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves."   ... Philippians 2:3

"To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some."  ... 1 Corinthians 9:22


And this has more to do with yesterday's post, but I didn't think of it until today:

"No time is wasted if it brings any sort of benefit to our mental health."


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