Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Just Three Things

Sunshine after yesterday's storm.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."   ... John 14:27


1. I finally made it over to Home Depot and they still had tons of tomato plants(!) Yet I stood there and stood there and just couldn't bring myself to buy one. I felt zero Grace about it and if I've learned anything, it's to follow Grace. And Peace.

So I bought a banana pepper plant instead--and Grace and Peace and I called it Good.

2. Here's something I've never told you: I don't like to be touched by strangers. (Makes my skin crawl just imagining it.) So if you ever send me a gift card for a massage at a spa, I will say thank-you, and then give the card away (probably to Tom who enjoys a good massage from a stranger).

Yeah, I know. But the nice thing about reaching ones fifties is she (generally) stops pretending to appear the same as everyone else. A type of boldness comes along with passing the half century mark, I think, and it's freeing. (But you do have to be a little brave to voice these things.)

3.  Naomi is going through one of those 'when it rains, it pours' times. Ack. And of course, as her mother, the temptation is to walk around with a black cloud over my head until everything works itself out.

But I did that for too many years and wasted too many weeks which, at my age, I can't afford to waste anymore. Naomi's handling things quite well, actually, and one thing I know? If I want to be of any real help, I'll walk around in faith, not fear, and stay peaceful inside.

I can't give away peace to anyone if I let mine dribble away.

And that is all the news from around here which is fit to print. :)

"Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal."    

...   Martin Luther King, Jr.

Fear will cancel ‪#‎faith‬- which leads to doubt - & eventually causes unbelief; a disposition of rebellion against God- we cancel all fear!!   ...   Paula White


Free Kindle books:

The Cedar Tree

Minimalism: Less is More

Food Preservation


Nope, did not paint the kitchen window frame today as I'd mentioned I might. But I did buy the paint! 


  1. Hi Debra,
    Long time no write :)
    It's me, Debbie Vietzke - former blogger and Gladys Taber fan and etc.

    Nice to see you are still blogging and things look like they are going well.

    I'm kind of in a recharging phase. Both of my parents have passed away and husband has retired. Daughter (she'll be 30 next year) still at home and I'm still working. All is well though.

    Debbie V.

  2. I too am at the age where I say no, when I want to. It is freeing. Like you said, we can only give away peace when we have it within us. I like the way you said that.

  3. You are so very right about not giving in to worry and fear and letting your peace dribble away. I need to practice that more often.

    And at 55 I've only just worked my way up to establishing boundaries with toxic folk (I'll see them but only occasionally) and not eating pickles or those funky mushrooms that everyone else likes and I loathe.

    I'm practicing hard at being ME without being a whiny witch about it and not always finding the right balance. But it does seem at this stage I best start learning how so my children can see how it's done.

  4. Anonymous2:12 AM

    So sorry for whatever is of concern with your daughter. It is not easy to be a bystander. Moms like to fix all the stuff they can. Once I learned that life is for learning, it helped me be a better bystander. Or at least wait till I am asked for help. Meanwhile...we can always talk to our FATHER above!! Never hurts...
    I wish for you that all will soon be well again!!
    Elizabeth in WA

  5. I know what you mean. As moms, we'd prefer to take the pain ourselves rather than have to watch our children hurt. And the physical distance can make everything harder. Good thing you did a good job raising her so that she can weather the storms of life! Take comfort, Debra. : )

  6. It's amazing how much our kids' lives can affect us as parents. Sometimes it takes every bit of my willpower not to help them fight their battles, but I know the best thing I can do is to love them and give their challenges to God. I'll pray for Naomi.

  7. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Praying for Naomi, too. Joyce


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