Friday, June 06, 2014

Straight Paths or Sad, Curvy Ones?

"The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding."   ... Proverbs 4:7


Brenda wrote another interesting post (what a superb writer!) this week:

What You Would Have Done Differently

... and I found the majority of her wildly fascinating comment box replies super-sad and downright tragic. They brought three things to mind:

1.) "Choose your life's mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90 percent of all your happiness or misery."   ... H. Jackson Brown Jr. 

2.) "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."   ... Proverbs 3:5,6

3.) Whatever it takes, know God. And know who He created you to be.

I'll tell ya ... It absolutely scares me to tiny pieces to even think of 'leaning on my own understanding" and doing what I want, what I think and what I feel rather than asking God what I should want/think/feel.

Especially now after reading all those life stories. Oh dear. Life lived according to one's own head and feelings can be so very sad.

Make wise choices. We only get this one short life down here. 

                             (My cute little blueberry plants bought last year.)


"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."   ... Jeremiah 29:11

"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."   ... Isaiah 55:12


Oh my goodness! Can you imagine finding this underneath your house??


Did you know that you can eat fresh pineapple to help relieve aches and pains?

I adore fresh pineapple. I buy it, cored, every week.

And here are 9 more foods which can take away the achiness.


SavingStar's Friday freebie? A 1.4 oz. dark chocolate Peppermint Pattie.


Free Kindle books as of today, June 6th:

Remembering Redbank

The Cat Manual

No More Grains


  1. Anonymous3:13 PM

    You are blessed, doubt you have done some things that helped you have your hubby...but I know plenty of righteous, cream of the crop, women who did nothing wrong and were not so blessed. We are all given trials and tests in life...they just differ by the person. In them all, we are given opportunity to let GOD help us through them and to learn from them. I know you know all this...but just had to say, I am happy for you that things are as they are. My beloved mother who was truly a saint, and without guile, lived in hell frankly. She made the best of one could have done better. As her mom told me one time, none of us had ever even met people like your dad and his family. We could not have known. True. The good part is that ONE DAY, all things will be as they should have been. And even there, perhaps more blessings to those who have suffered most. I hope so. Either way, it will be ok THEN. Enjoy the one GOD obviously gave you!!
    Elizabeth in WA

  2. Elizabeth--actually? I'll still go on record and agree with the promises in God's word, rather than site other peoples' lives and choices as examples. I'll always choose to share Bible verses, instead, verses such as the ones I used in this post. There are hundreds of promises which say if we will do such-and-such then we will be blessed. I choose to live by and believe those.

    The way I see things, it's rather like this other Bible verse: "Let God be true and every man a liar." Bringing examples of things-gone-wrong in Christians' life greatly adds to confusion and is not solid ground to walk upon.

    Thanks for commenting.... Blessings, Debra

  3. Anonymous10:59 PM

    I do agree that we have to cling to HIS word and live by it. Of course. I guess you must think if we do that, then nothing can go very wrong in our lives?? I hope not...I hope not... HE helps us THROUGH our troubles, but does not always take them away. And trouble does not have to come because of sin...indeed sinning does bring troubles, but living righteously is not a for sure insurance either. I wish it was. Ever read JOB?? And Psalms?? I hope you never have to walk some of those paths I have and have seen others walk. I can tell you GOD is with you, but you are not necessarily spared all troubles. Indeed not. And if you feel you have been so far...hold onto your hat...and tie a knot in the end of a rope and hang on!!

    I do agree that there are lots of verses that tell us: "Do this and be blessed!!" I do agree!! But it does not say when does it?? Not usually...and our existence does not end in this life...I firmly believe that many blessings may be in the life to come and we cannot EXPECT that we will not have troubles here in this life. But then we all learn from our experiences. You cannot know how discouraging it is to know that your life has not been picture card perfect and have others intimate it is because you did something wrong. I would hate for anyone to think that, when like JOB, they knew they did not do something to cause themselves troubles. Any rate, may your life always be free of such troubles!!
    Elizabeth in WA

  4. Oh dear. You've complicated my original post and I make it a policy to avoid complication.

    I'm thinking you've forgotten some of the problems I've shared here in my blog! But as for me and my house, we will keep choosing to lean not on our own understanding, but God's, instead ... and so will remain on a straight path as He has promised. And as long as I have God, I'll be fine--He means more to me than anyone or anything else. Blessings, Debra

  5. Anonymous2:11 PM

    I am not meaning to complicate are right, totally in this last comment above, I think.

    I do have email communication with Brenda anyway and know some things I do not think she has posted yet either. I just feel plain blessed, not because of a single thing I have done or not...just because for some reason GOD did put some very good people in my life too...some people have no one, Debra, ever who was all that righteous, or who never really were much loved by anyone...that breaks my heart!! Yea, I understand oh too well, what it is like to not be much loved by a parent...but thankfully I had the other very righteous loving parent!! Following GOD's way is best!! WE have a big job...loving many broken hearts out there!! Thanks for clarifying some things, Debra. I do appreciate that.
    Elizabeth in WA

  6. Anonymous1:00 AM

    PS...thanks for the links to the better foods to eat to reduce pain, etc. More info on some categories than I had come across before.

    Elizabeth in WA


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