Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Still Accepting That I Ain't What I Used to Be

"Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved."   ... Palm 55:22


So yesterday I repainted my dresser a pale yellow then recuperated the rest of the day because I'm not the spring chicken I once was.

Today I wallpapered that tiny wall and will probably need to take the rest of the week off.

Wow. In my olden times, I could have done both in one day and then mowed the lawn, vacuumed, ran errands and dug a flower bed.

Those days are so gone. And honestly? I am still accepting the fact that aging brings changes. Sometimes I kick against it in my emotions, but the kicking comes less and less now. Even my emotions tire more easily. (Which, actually, can be a good thing.)

Remember, I'm the one who took one full year to accept that she'd turned 50. Today upon the couch after all the wallpapering, I wondered how in the world I could be 55. High School seems only months ago.

I'm also the crazy lady who sleeps in her closet.  :)

Without God, I have a feeling I couldn't do a darn thing now at my age. But then, I'd rather be dependent upon Him than be well-known for having accomplished a zillions things without Him.


" Because God knows how we’re made,
    He remembers we’re just dust."   ... Psalm 103:14

"But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me."   ... 2 Corinthians 12:9


Please keep Tom's mom in prayer. She's been moved to comfort care (rather like hospice). I believe she's 85 and honestly? She's wanted to go home to be with God for some years now, even spoke of it when we visited by train in 2010 and again when Tom visited in October.

May God's will be done...


Free Kindle book as of today, June 11th:

Mama B. : A Time to Speak

                   My Herb & Etc. Garden today. And yeah... I'll mow the crazy lawn tomorrow.  :) We're still getting frequent rain!


  1. Praying for Tom's Mother.

    And Debra, you are so young!

  2. Thanks, Kristi for praying.

    And yeah, kinda young. Technically. I'm just still a bit surprised that my stamina is only fine as long as I don't do anything physical. :)

    Thanks again.... Debra

  3. Dolores3:02 PM

    Prayers going out to Tom's mom.
    I used to walk all over my neighborhood running errands. Now I can only do one or two things a day. Though I'm glad I'm still on my feet.

  4. Dolores-- thank-you, too.

    And exactly! I used to walk everywhere and never get tired (no hills here, just flat, flat everywhere). Now I walk around the block and I barely make it home. My poor ol' back accuses me of abuse. :) Blessings, Debra

  5. I am 56 and I know just how you feel. I mowed the yard this morning, then rested and ate and rested more, before I got up and emptied trash, cleaned a bathroom and started some laundry.
    I hope can find the energy to cook the easy supper I have planned- husband has been at work all day and I am pretty sure he will want to eat. :)

    Your yellow painted dresser is charming.

  6. Rhonda--yes! You do understand and you sound exactly like me. It amazes me how often I must sit down after I accomplish any little task. And those husbands--odd how they all like their supper, huh? :)

    Thanks for your compliment about my dresser! I appreciate that much. Blessings, Debra

  7. I sometimes think exactly along those lines about aging, and I am older than you, dear friend. Now you have given me an idea; I want to paint my brown dresser light yellow. Yours looks so pretty. I wonder how to paint yellow over brown, do I need a primer?

  8. Thank-you, Terra! I'm glad you like the way the dresser turned out. It was a pretty dark green and I just gave it two coats of the yellow. I, too, thought I'd have to prime it or, at the very least, give it three coats, but fortunately I didn't. Maybe depends upon the paint? I'd love to see a photo of yours when you finish! Blessings, Debra

  9. Anonymous3:11 AM

    Everything is looking spiffy! Well, join the party dear...old age is hitting lots of us these days!! We wonder where all our energy went too!! If we do manage to work hard, the next day we pretty much do nothing!! My daughter here was remarking yesterday how gray my hair is getting to be (I told her it is because I had it layered cut and now it shows...ha!!) I think it shocks her to see us aging. Well, we are kind of shocked too!! I got a window covering sewn today FINALLY to cover our glass front door...though all you see is some stairs up to our apt. Still...tis nice to feel private...hubby said, It feels like home now. We live near a of course, bought 'lighthouse' fabric for it.

    Pray your mil can pass easily. It is what we all hope when our time comes, isn't it?
    Elizabeth in WA

  10. Rosemary11:18 AM

    My heartfelt prayers go out to you and Tom. I lost my mother earlier this week and know first-hand how hard it is to lose a parent. May your mother-in law's final days be peaceful ones knowing she is loved. God bless you all.

  11. Elizabeth--yep! That's what I do. work hard one day and try to rest the next. Sometimes I get by doing only a bit on that rest day, but usually I'll say, "Just one more thing, then I'll rest. Just one more thing then--" :)

    Oh Rosemary! I'm so very sorry you lost your mother this week. My deepest heartfelt condolences to you and your family and may God comfort you as only He can. I'm sure you have many happy memories to cherish ...

    Blessings, Debra

  12. Anonymous1:43 AM

    I realized that I would just have to have patience with myself. Work a little at a time instead of going from start to finish on a big project in one day like I could years ago. Also when I buy new plants for the yards now I rethink and try to get things that keep growing..things that do not need constant attention or watering. bulbs and permanent things are highest on the list now. I also do not crowd plants. I need more room to get around things to work. I am less avail and also do not want to stumble and fall. Sometimes when a bush dies after years I do not replace it. I have also though learned to root things and do many things myself and not have to buy as many things. I also try to change work. I prune for a while, then rake, then maybe plant a little then back to another thing like the raking. My muscles do not get over worked that way and it really helps. I still have a tendency to work till I drop and that is ok sometimes. If I can relax more the next day. I definitely remember being able to do so much more with ease years ago that I could not possibly do now. I remember when I was young my mother reminiscing about this too. Now it is my turn. I though have also slowed down and taken the time to be thankful for what I can do. All through the day my thoughts are praise to God for Him letting me do what I can do. Even to manny time almost, but not tripping while I go about my work. It is amazing the ideas that pop in my idea just at the right time, the many time things work out and I know it was beyond my doing ...but it did get done! My body has problems but I can with His help find ways to do things differently but get it done never the less. I know how much of this and that I can do and not over do. You have to listen and feel your body as you work..and after too,to see why your own body can take. You have to adapt. We all do in somethings. The pleasure you feel in getting even a part of a project done is so sweet though. It may take a week to do something that used to take half a day but it does get done. :-) At this time in our lives we know what in life makes our heart sing. We know what really needs to be done and what we love to do. Verses what we want to do only cause others say we should do it but our hearts are not into it. We do not waste time on things so unimportant. We know our limits..or try to! :) We also appreciate life more with each passing day. We all have problems with our lives or bodies. Yet we all know so many who have it so much worse. We are blessed...we have nothing to complain about. ...and by the way I do like that shade of yellow on your dresser! I bet you smile every time you look at it! Sarah

  13. This was a good post for me especially since I turned 57 today. I washed all my outside windows this week and the bedroom windows and washed curtains ...and... then I could barely walk the next day. I was so shocked. Last year I didn't have any problems at all! :-)


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