Friday, June 27, 2014

Changing Plans And Being Ok With That

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."   ... Romans 8:28


So. Our two new windows are being installed even as I write and I've had to adapt to a major-ish disappointment. Quickly. And come up with a new idea for one of the windows. 

The problem? The interior frame of the picture window was supposed to match the existing (wood-grain) trim, but it arrived in white. Sigh. So after Skyping with Tom about it, I, with contract in hand, spoke with one of the window guys and ....skipping some discussion.... blah, blah, blah ... we arrived at a Plan B. He'll install 'rough trim' and I will paint it white to match the window frame. And after that, I will also paint the trim, white, of the nearby, older picture window.

I have 17 other projects planned around here--what's one more? :)

Oh well. I prefer white trim around windows, anyway, and I promised Tom I'd be happy with this change of plans. Maybe someday the wood trim in the big three-part window in the dining area will irk us due to its 'non-matchiness', but for now, we'll live with it.

Changing plans, having to go to an unthought-of Plan B: that's Life. It happens. But oh, what matters most to God is how we behave when it does!

"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."   ... Ephesians 4:32


So I guess you'll just see the new kitchen window tomorrow and the other window will have to wait some days. I'm sure you'll survive. :)


My latest better-than-free groceries:

The two Finish dishwasher products gave me a $3 profit.

Three Teriyaki sauces gave me a $2.30 profit.

The two Jenny-O turkey burgers gave me an extra $1.

The two Suddenly Salad boxes gave me .50 cents.

The three Tabasco bottles gave me .30 cents.

In total, I was paid $7.10 for these groceries.

Why share these deals? Simply as a reminder that--even with continual spikes in grocery costs--it doesn't mean we must pay those high prices.


Speaking of free groceries, SavingStar's Friday Freebie is a 26 oz. box of Morton table salt. This offer is good all weekend.


Free kindle books:


  1. Good for you to be happy with Plan B. I like your grocery plan and the free kindle book ideas. Happy weekend.

  2. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I am sorry you cannot get the one you ordered...most companies would take care of that. Of course, maybe it only comes as the one you got. I think in life we nearly always end up with plan B or C or Z maybe...but sometimes it can actually turn out more pleasing that what we thought we ordered too...Sometimes...I hope it will all be ok when it is finished. Looking forward to your photos of it too!! Nice when others share their ideas.
    Elizbeth in WA

  3. I enjoyed your post. I wondered what method or site you use to save money? I've studied it over the years but I'm always needing to learn more!Have you shared it on another post? Thank you in advance!

  4. Thank-you, Everyone, for your encouraging thoughts abut my having to go to a Plan B. See my next post for how it all came out! :) Blessings, Debra


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