Friday, May 23, 2014

Oregano and Freebies

Been wondering about herbs which grow great in only morning sunlight? Well, here's one:

Oregano. My, my, my. All this (and more which I pulled out and planted nearby) came from two tiny plants from my supermarket in 2012. Maybe this year I'll actually dry some of it to use like I did in my most intense Suzy Homemaker days years ago.

Other herbs which grow well there: parsley, thyme, chives and basil.


Have you heard of They allow you to download coupons onto your supermarket shopper's card so no clipping of coupons is necessary. Your savings add up to gift cards for places such as and PayPal.

Each week they offer a Friday Freebie for which you'll be reimbursed if you purchase it that Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Some previous freebies:

Ajax dish liquid
King's Hawaiin dinner rolls
Starkist tuna salad pouch
Renuzit air freshener cone
Jiffy blueberry muffin mix
Keebler snack cup
Domino or CH brown sugar
Dannon Greek yogurt
Kraft macaroni and cheese, etc.

Anyway, each Friday (when I remember) I'll be reminding you about the latest freebie. Another idea which took me forever to think of!  Tsk. Tsk.

This week's Friday Freebie? A 3-oz. package of Jello. (Not the best one ever, but hey. It's something.)  :)


"Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"   ... Matthew 6:26


Oh, my radio station is playing this song again right now. It always makes me cry .... with happiness. Just one of those special tunes! (But I would tweak the lyrics if I could.)  :)


Free Kindle book as of today:

My Way Home


  1. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Great Idea Debra...every Friday. Love it. I hope eventually when life slows down more, I can get on this train too.

    Nice spot on the herbs too...always good to know for further reference. If ever I get to planting anything. It is mostly weeds in front yard which is about 3 ft by 3 ft or so. All we have here.
    Elizabeth in WA

  2. Elizabeth--thank-you for letting me know these were helpful ideas! I try to be practical in this blog and I'm happy when someone is able to use what I share.

    It's possible to grow a lot of things in a small patch of earth, especially if you plant things in garden shop pots and set them into the ground beside each other. I'm doing that on a larger scale this year and will see how it goes. Blessings, Debra


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