Thursday, May 29, 2014

No One Else Creates Like You Do

"So then each of us will give an account of himself to God."   ... Romans 14:12


Maybe you got the kindle book, 10 Commandments for Creatives, which I listed days ago when it was free. If so, have you read it yet? It's majorly inspiring! Just look at a few of the lines:

No one else forms ideas like you do.

No one else creates what you create.

Artists bring feeling to a numb world.

Artists provide sight for our blind spots.

Artists quicken our senses, build bridges of connection and change culture.

When you quit, you're not just quitting on you. You're quitting on us. You're quitting on what we need from you.

Wait. Did I hear you whine say, "But I'm not an artist?"

Tsk. Tsk. Yes, you are. Or you can be. 

You can be an artist if you have a garden or a flower bed or a front or back yard..

Or if you own a camera or a paintbrush. Or paper, fabric and a pair of scissors. Needle, thread, a sewing machine. Embroidery floss. A sketchbook, a canvas, or a scratched-up item begging for paint.

Or if you have rooms to decorate, wallpaper to hang, walls to paint, furniture to rearrange. If you can find creative solutions for boring problems.

Or a blog to write in, a Facebook or Pinterest account. Or if you can tell a good story aloud. If you have a voice, an instrument, a song.

Or if you have a unique way with hair, make-up, clothing.

Or a kitchen in which to cook and bake. A cookbook collection, baking pans, cookie cutters.

Or---well, you get the idea.

No one else creates the way you do. Nobody inspires the rest of us to stop our laziness or excuses the way you can.

God longs to release the creativity He's placed inside each of us:

"Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house."   ... Matthew 5:15

He has a specific plan in mind, a way to spread His light through you, but if you're not spreading that light? The rest of us are limping along without your help. We're missing-out and--perhaps--we'll never be all that we could have been.

And that is sadder than we know.

So! How will you choose to inspire and help all the rest of us today? Hmm?


This post comes in part due to Maya Angelou who used her gifts throughout her life--who shined brightly on a hill--and blessed us all.


"Jealousy is the death of creativity.... Celebrate others and connect with them to further your own creativity as well as theirs."   

... From Ten Commandments for Creatives


Oh! Audrey Hepburn's old home. Be sure to check out all the many cool photos and their captions. Wow. Wowwww....


Free kindle books as of today, May 29th:


  1. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Thanks for sharing the link to Katherine Hepburn's home. Very interesting.
    Elizabeth in WA

  2. Elizabeth--you're welcome. I really enjoyed reading the story about her home and looking at all the rooms. Oh, those views from the windows! Blessings, Debra


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