Saturday, May 17, 2014

Just Checking-In

"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful."   ...Colossians 3:15


Still here! 

It's just been a raining-like-crazy week where I've felt like simply living Life rather than writing about it, you know, putting into practice what I've lately learned. And being all contemplative, silently, the way I used to be pre-blog (only sometimes do I feel the pinch of sacrifice). I'd gotten away from reading (much) this past winter, but these past three weeks I think I've read enough books to make up for it. 

I didn't tell you this, but remember the wallpaper in my new Tiniest Hobbit Room? Well, I bought some more so that I could re-wallpaper two of its outer walls--that's how much I love that print. The wallpaper arrived last weekend, but did I put it up this week? Uh, no. Couldn't face it-- I must be still recuperating from wallpapering the closet's inside. Hopefully this week I'll get it done and then will show you, of course.


See this small window in our living room?

Well, soon-ish it'll become a picture window so that, without standing on tip-toe, we can see bits of the river. (Lest you think we're on the river's edge, I told my neighbor, "When we decide to sell the house, we could advertise it with a river view," and she said that might be stretching it a bit.) Including the bottom of the sill, the window will drop another 30 inches, the same length as the dining room windows. What a huge difference that will be! The river likes to change colors--this week it turned a shining silver like I'd never seen it before.

I can already see myself sitting there, staring, (squinting), watching the water and seagulls circling above.

And remember the small window in our kitchen?

I'd wanted it to become a garden window, but Window Guy--who we trust since he's 'windowed' two of our houses--said they leak, which reflects badly on him, though it's not his fault. So. He suggested deepening the sill, placing a casement window there, then installing two glass shelves. (Hopefully that makes sense to you.) That will give me 3 shelves for herbs and whatever. (Insert a happy squeal here.)

This all will cost a king's ransom, but hey. We did nothing in the way of improvements last year (rare for us) and God keeps providing for us in ways which blow our mind--plus--these changes are a lot cheaper and easier than buying a whole new house.  :)

It will be hard waiting for those new windows!


Naomi's band will be flying home from California today ... any prayers for her/their safety would be appreciated!


Free kindle books as of today:



  1. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Happy to hear of your new windows...that should provide a lot of pleasure and probably more light inside too? Hope the herbs will do well in the window. A friend who once went to Russia said there everyone grows lots of herbs because that is mostly what they had for medicine. I thought that was interesting...maybe they know more than we do about such things.
    Elizabeth in WA, still working on an old house...but soon to be done!

  2. Those windows sound lovely, Debra! Looking forward to seeing the finished product.

  3. Debra, you will love your river view! There's something mesmerizing and calming about it. We have a pond in front of our place that gives us much joy. Hard to beat nature!

  4. Can't wait to see the "after" photos (though I love your cozy house just as it is.)

  5. One of the things I love most about our home is the big windows, about 5feet or so in height and a good solid 30 inches across. In our breakfast area we have two windows on each wall of the corner and in the living room we have two windows on each end of the room. I've been looking through these windows from various angles for the past few years and was inspired to plant daffodils at yard's edge to see in Spring. I hope to set in small native dog woods and redbuds as time goes on.
    You see windows change your life in all sorts of ways!

  6. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Great idea, opening up the window to the river view-can't wait to see it. Your new header picture is so pretty and cheerful. Joyce

  7. Thanks, Everyone! I'm glad you're looking forward to the new windows with me.

    Elizabeth--herbal remedies are so interesting and there are many online. They've made a comeback amongst those of us seeking natural cures to what ails us.

    Robin--oh, me too! Hopefully I can wait pleasantly,not impatiently for them. :)

    Pam--oh, indeed. Seems whenever I walk out onto our porch and look at the river, I just want to sit at the bistro table and stare at it. :)

    Deb---aww, you are sweet!

    Terri--great idea to make those changes! We enjoyed our big picture window out at the farm and it was fun setting up a place for birds to enjoy so that we could watch them. :)

    Joyce--glad you liked that header of the side of my garage! I hope you'll enjoy this new header also. (I just had to share it because it makes me happy.) :)

    Blessings, Debra


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