Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day Weekend Musings

“It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.” 
― Dale Carnegie


My Mother's Day weekend was vastly different than yours, but honestly? Every moment felt enchanted.

My supermarket trip at 7:00 a.m. (coupons make shopping fun) then yard sales with Tom where we found kind folks and the exact largish flower pot I'd pictured in my head for a week. A drive around an odd neighborhood--a long row of rusty, in-the-sky ancient factories backed by beautiful (though a tad scary) woods and country-like yards of 1940's houses, some decrepit, others well-cared-for. We'd not ventured from our own town, yet felt like we'd wound up in the countryside.

At home, Tom let me choose my favorite place to order out from and while we waited, oh! Gorgeous flowers arrived from Tom, making our house smell divine. We ate our chicken fingers and pizza (and snacks which arrived by mail from Naomi) while watching scandalous amounts of the reality show, Gold Rush, (3rd season). Can I explain why this show fascinates us both? Uh, no. It just does.

On both Saturday and Sunday beneath blue skies upon my wicker chair in the kind of perfect sunshine where you can sit for hours and never grow too warm, I finished the last two Penderwick sister books and thanked God that He let me find the first one at a yard sale weeks ago. Oh, this family, oh these books!

On Sunday, a sweet email from Naomi and a promise to call, remembering her lovely visit two weeks ago, a drive through dreamy old neighborhoods and another yard sale, lunch, more Gold Rush, more reading in the sun and poking around my flowerbeds. 

Harmony and much contentment, not dependent upon titles of special holidays or forcing my days to look like everyone else's. Just choosing my own thoughts to think, not letting any circumstances boss me into negativity, but being stronger than that because of the big, strong God inside of me.


"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."   ... Philippians 4:12

We must learn contentment. It is not inherited nor does it just fall into our heads from some mysterious place. No, it is learned  ... and a choice we make.

"Whom having not seen, you love; in whom, though now you see him not, yet believing, you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory..."   ... 1 Peter 1:8


We experience true freedom when we stop trying to cram our life's peg into the different-shaped slot of someone else's Life Game Board.


Find the unique place God meant you to occupy. Bloom there.


  1. I said something very similar in my Fb Mother's Day post. I spent the day alone, and though I heard from my children I didn't get gifts or cards. But I had a very happy day. I enjoyed it greatly and I wouldn't change it at all. I know that my children took time to think of me and that's all that I needed.

  2. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Well, I heard from all 3 of mine, and the one here got me a big orchid plant too. Heh, we shall see how long I can manage to keep it alive. But our little apt is warm and fairly humid, so it may like it. But I had NO expectations. Tis easier that way. So then I am happy with whatever comes, or not. The ones here say they will take us out later (I am happy with that as Mom's day in the past was just not worth going to a restaurant...too busy and food ill prepared, etc etc etc) any day we get to go out is fine!! I appreciated hearing and hugs from my daughter here.
    Elizabeth in WA

  3. Your Mother's Day sounds divine...don't you love doing what YOU like? Same here! I wanted a huge burger grilled by hubby and chips, veggies, and dip. Then I hit the chocolate--it was heavenly. Daughter and I watched the movie, Philomena (perfect for mother's day). Being a mom is my favorite role, but it's also the hardest job I've ever had. Debra, the Dale Carnegie quote is new to me, but so compelling; if I were into tatoos, I'd put it on myself!

  4. Terri--sounds like we're on the same page! :)

    Elizabeth--I get what you mean about no expectations, but I like to choose to expect great things from God and then let myself be surprised by what He sends to me. I like the idea about going out to eat on any other day besides Mother's Day, also! :)

    Pam--your Mother's Day sounded terrific, too, and I smiled over your idea of that tattoo! (Great idea!) :)

    Thanks, Ladies! ... Debra


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