Wednesday, April 09, 2014

What's New?

So there I was in our kitchen this bright afternoon, sunlight sending sparks off our silver sink while I loaded the dishwasher. Daniel and Sammy The Cats watched sparrows dance outside the glass storm door and music played from my old kitchen radio and then, oh! This song began:

What's New?

... and suddenly it all became one of those moments. You know, where you don't need anything, no new clothes or another hutch or vacation or more money or friends. No, in these moments, time is suspended and you can't think of any better place to be or anything better to do and you don't need more people or stuff. You want only more of God. 

And just here and now feel heavenly. Perfect.

I hope you have and savor your own moments, these gifts fluttered down from God's fingers. They arrive so we'll awake from the ordinary and enter, instead, the extraordinary, and feel the sting of gratitude tears while moving on to our next task with a flooded, contented heart.


When I was 17 (and all dreamy-eyed-silly), my family moved to a tiny mountain town where they had retro things like this:

The good news? It's still there.


"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."   ... James 1:17

I don't know how to prove God to you. I can only hope to guide you to a place where you and God might meet. - E.R. McManus


  1. Anonymous11:56 PM

    The soda fountain looks like one in Dayton, Wa...a town where we sorta stepped back into 1960 for the 20 months we lived there...we felt so sad to leave.
    Elizabeth in WA

  2. Debra, loved the Linda Ronstadt song. Isn't it amazing how hearing a familiar song transports us back into a different time and place? It sent me back to my childhood. My mom loved music and we had an old-fashioned radio and hi-fi combo that was on all the time. Thanks for the memories.

  3. Beautifully written as always !

  4. Elizabeth--I enjoy hearing that there are other such fountains still being used!

    Pam--thanks for sharing your story! We had one of those hi-fi stereos, too, while I was growing up and I especially remember playing our Strauss Waltz album and doing ballet moves alone in our living room at 17. :) Tom and I had one of those, too, for awhile and it could pick up very faraway radio stations. It felt so exotic to listen to them at night. :)

    Elizabeth--thank-you much! I'm glad you're still reading here after so many years!

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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