Thursday, April 24, 2014

Some Fun Links for You

Always preferring practicality, here are some fun and helpful websites for you:

What Should I Read Next? Plug in your favorite title or author and a list will pop up of similar books which you may enjoy. (Don't you appreciate the Internet for providing those sorts of things?)

Another helpful site? Just click on the ingredients you have in your pantry and Super Cook will find a ton of recipes to fit them. No more standing in the center of the kitchen wondering what to make!

Yesterday Tom and I finally watched Saving Mr. Banks and wow. I loved every single moment, especially the ones which reminded me to learn from my past, then let it go, lest it bog me down in ways God never intended. Highly recommended. (As a child, Mary Poppins was the first movie I saw in a theater so that's always added to its specialness for me.)

Oh, and once again I must recommend blood meal for keeping squirrels out of your flower beds. I sprinkle blood meal over the soil after I've finished planting and watering and have found it to be the miracle repellent I so needed. It even nourishes your plants!

And for the millionth time, will send you an email each day of free books for your kindle-type readers. I now have nearly 700 free kindle books in my free kindle cloud reader(!) from and I still shake my head in wonder at the convenience of it all. So many books, so little time, but so much storage space online rather than book clutter in my house!

Oh, that we would live with eyes opened wide to God's provision in a million unexpected (or believed for) ways and always respond with a grateful heart! The blessings and provision would never, ever cease.


A variety of free (as of today) kindle books for you (ones I've not read, but look safe. heh.)

A Home In The West

Savvy Spring Entertaining

Scent of Lilacs

Bigger Than Impossible

The Meeting Place

Foreclosed: A Mitzy Neuhaus Mystery

11 Sewing Room Ideas

How to Make Money Blogging

An Organized Home in 30 Minutes

8 Reasons Your Life Matters

Low Cost Gardening

A Horse Called September

Low Cost High Impact Photography

How to Ebay in Real Life

Once I was a Teenager: Growing Up In the 50's & 60's in Australia and Beyond

The Creative Mind


  1. I love those two book links and the cooking link and will make note of them. I have about 100 physical books and 10 ebooks waiting to be read, so links like these are dangerous to me! Ha ha. I also like stopyourekillingme which has mystery series in order and by subject.

  2. Anonymous12:51 PM

    You keep posting all those books one can read and I will be forced to get a Kindle yet!! Heh...dragging my feet with technology as always...(Actually, just not having the time to really sit down and learn how to work them all!!) And on top of all else we are doing...have to take time out in the AM to have an oral surgeon pull a tooth I broke eating yummy nuts!! Oh well, at least we found a doc we really liked!! And he is charging us 1/3 of what we paid for a similar procedure in 2009...amazing and in a big city here too!! So some silver lining to every cloud!
    Elizabeth in WA


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