Monday, March 17, 2014

No Self-Pity Silliness Here! :)

Yesterday I found a free kindle book some of you will love, especially if you're in the early days of mama-hood:

Trees Tall As Mountains

It's written by a fellow blogger, Journey Mama, who ...gulp...writes so wittingly and honestly and has such humorous  adventures that I'm now questioning whether I'm only just a big ol' blog faker. Whether I can even write at all.

Okay. Okay. It's not been that bad (I didn't damage my forehead too much when I banged it against the keyboard that one time). heh. And really, I'm not asking for "you-can-too-write!" comments. Honest. 

It's just that in the midst of some of her sparkling metaphors and details-to-die-for, things have turned dicey and rather gloomy inside my head a few times, even though I remind myself that her life and mine are wildly different and shouldn't be compared anyway, this verse and all, you know:

"But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise."   ... 2 Corinthians 10:12

I know, I know already!  :)

But never fear! Onward and upward I go. I'll just, as usual, turn my pathetic-ness into a new determination to learn more, experience more and then write more brilliantly about my own adventures as God meant me to all along. To share more wittingly and honestly from my own wells and be contented with those wells.

So on yet another sunny day (thank-goodness!) here at Hobbit Cottage, there you go. Debra trying her best to turn sour grapes into a lovely new wine, non-alcoholic, but of course! :)


Or to make things a bit more clear (as I explained to a friend at Facebook this morning) ..... :

 "I definitely don't have the grace to live her life and wouldn't want it at all. I love my life the best. And yet there are things about her writing style which-- whenever I see them elsewhere, also--they make me want to write similarly, but with my own words. And actually I think God uses that so to keep improving and varying my own writing style over the years so that it doesn't just stagnate."

I believe God sends us people who challenge us to 'come up higher, to improve upon whatever it is we're called to do so that He can shine through us in a brighter, more creative way...

... and I hope whenever you read my posts you're able to apply what I've said to similar areas in your own life. That's why I write here, in fact. To encourage people to view their Life in new ways.


"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds ..."   ... Hebrews 10:24


There will always be someone who thinks you can't succeed. Make sure that someone is never you.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Probably no one can appeal to every other person in writing or otherwise...GOD seems to desire diversity among HIS creations. So there is always room for us all, Debra. Comparing always gets us into trouble eh? Hard not to do...and heh, if we do not compare ourselves, often another will do it for us...heh!! I do not always agree with anyone else, but I still enjoy reading their soldier on!
    Elizabeth in WA now


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