Friday, March 07, 2014

Friday Variety

Here's something I shared on Facebook this week:

So yesterday morning I handed a plate of pancakes to Tom at the exact moment our local tv news guy said, "Happy Pancake Day!" We both laughed because of the coincidence of it all. A small, but nice moment.


I almost never watch Rated R movies. Honest. But I waited to see About Time on DVD so we could skip the stupid parts R parts and oh! Remove those (few) things and it was a nearly perfect film. 

It had a big old cozy house on English waters with many books, time travel, a quirky family, humor, gloriously-sappy sentimentality, inspiration to live your best life(which I always appreciate) and more. Here's a review so you can decide for yourself, but keep in mind there are some spoilers there, too. 

Personally I loved it, especially the final 15 minutes which I watched twice and bawled both times. But in a good way. :)


My oh my. I do enjoy Twitter. The wisdom, the teachings, the learning from new-to-me Christians. Twitter actually has what I'd struggled (no Grace? That's a clue something's wrong.) to find during whole years of blog searches. 

Twitter! Who knew?

Never say never .... and all that.


Interested in photography and/or vintage/retro-type photos/rooms/houses? You might like the film we streamed from Netflix, Brief Encounters, by artist, Gregory Crewdson. With an incredible eye for detail, he did a retro series of photographs over 8 years in Massachusetts and now I'm inspired to actually take my camera with me wherever I go. The wonder and necessity of attention to detail will crossover to just about any calling you may have.

There are just three or four naughty words and only three photographs (out of many) had nudity. If you can handle those, you might find it dreamily inspiring like I did, something to nudge you into faithfully doing what God created you to do. 


Yesterday afternoon the sun shone bright while I walked over the snow to the garage and oh, twenty degrees or not, new birds sang in the trees, birds who I believe God sent to herald springtime--because they surely did! 

Suddenly I became excited about how much closer Spring is now than way back in November. And it didn't even matter that snow lay everywhere, gleaming--somehow I could see and smell the green of new growth, my garden and robins, even. Already.

When you walk by faith and not by sight, you often have these epiphanies. They keep you smiling, glowing and trusting in the God who does all things well, all the time, no matter what our current season may look (or feel) like.


People cannot make you mad if you don’t let them- REST IN GOD!

You only need to please God, anyone else is a bonus!

"Buy more, consume more, have more— and it’ll suppress any appetite for God."


"For we walk by faith, not by sight." ... 2 Corinthians 5:7


  1. Thank you for this post, Debra. You are a gem!

  2. Over the past few days, we've been hearing a new variety of birdsong, also. Such lovely harmonies those feathered friends create. Spring can't be too far...

  3. Debra, reading your blog often reminds me of the writings found in "God Calling"--are you familiar with it? Marvelous, uplifting thoughts from two old English women who have remained anonymous for nearly 100 years.

  4. Robin--thank-you so much! Your words greatly encouraged me today. Really.

    Pam--yes! Isn't it wonderful that we've pretty much made it through another winter?

    And thanks so much for your God Calling comment! I consider than at honor. I came across that devotional around 15 years ago and often use it through the year. For awhile, I even got the God Calling daily emails and oh! Maybe Twitter has them, so thanks for the reminder so I can search now. It's such a special book! :)

    A special thanks to both of you Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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