Thursday, February 06, 2014

Maybe You're More Courageous Than You Realize


" ... the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."   ... Matthew 7:8


I think the devil, most days, tells tons of Christians, "You're just not quite good enough. Everybody's doing better than you are. You should do more."

More of what? Everything. Everything good, anyway. (Surprised? He's too smart to only tempt us to do bad.)

I believe he nags most Christians because it seeps out everywhere--Facebook, blogs, sermons, conversations. You know, this condemning, underlying thing of, "Try harder. You're just not doing (or being) enough. Others are farther ahead and you should be, too."

But what if we realized how courageous we have become? How far God has brought us along and how strong He is through us?

Like when our carpet is a mess and we're reclined upon the couch, but we get up and vacuum anyway.

Or when we'd love to sit inside a warm house, but we venture out into the snow and winds to drive to work or buy groceries or chauffer children.

Or when we could whine about the music nowadays, but instead, we search long until we find the music we love. Or the clothes or books or art.

Or when we make a decision to share good news while others still spread the bad or when a negative thing happened to us and we chose not to believe Life is bad/sad/tragic.

Or when we try to obey God in the daily stuff and He's the only one who noticed. The only one who saw (and cared) that we didn't snap back at that rude person or that we made a sacrificial money gift.

When we look ahead, rather than behind. When we believe the best, not the worst. When more good came from our obedience than we'll ever realize.

Sometimes we need to be reminded of how far God has brought us because oh my, are there ever enough voices out there whispering how far we've yet to go!


"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”"   ... Deuteronomy 31:6


I discovered another retro radio station in my area! Would I have found it without turning the radio dial or if I'd believed good music is gone from Today's AM/FM radio? Probably not. I keep seeking good and you know? I keep finding it. Everywhere.

Here's my latest favorite:  Weck Radio Buffalo


  1. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Heh...well, indeed there are plenty of voices out there loving to cut us to so many ways. But the living ones with skin on are the most difficult to deal with. Because our REAL FATHER says so much that is affirming, doesn't HE?? I figure if "they", whoever they maybe be, only REALLY saw things as they should it would be different. So one can take pity on them that they are being used in such ways. And it is important to never let ourselves be used against others in like manner. And unless GOD removes the film over our eyes (and thinking) there really is no way to know all these if we do, it is a blessing HE has done so. And we can pray for those who despitefully use us, to also be allowed to learn too. I think even these difficulties, are somehow a part of a large picture of how we are being brought to the best possible place so we are just where GOD wants us...I so believe as Joseph told his brothers: "YOU meant it to me for evil, but GOD meant it to me for good." Sometimes we have to wait awhile, till we see GOOD arrive...Jospeh sure did. But I do think too, we surely need to disregard all voices, from wherever they come, that will derail us from HIS destiny for us.

    Hope you are still having fun on your "vacation"!! Hope your daughters travels will go well too.
    Elizabeth in NC

  2. Elizabeth--thanks for commenting! Usually my greatest foe is satan, himself and the lies he whispers to me about what I'm writing in my blog. I'd rather deal with him than mean people, actually! :) Thanks again.... Debra


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