Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Longer, Harsher Winters On The Way? Yikes!

"The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."   ... John 10:10


Have you seen articles (like this one) which predict longer, harsher winters will become the norm for the Northern Hemisphere? I've heard Christians whisper this for years and now it's wild that the secular media is catching up.

And I'll be bold (hey, it's my blog) and say I believe these crazier winters are related to this:

Luke 21:7 “Teacher,” they asked, “when will all this happen? What sign will show us that these things are about to take place?” Luke 21:11 "There will be great earthquakes, and there will be famines and epidemics in many lands, and there will be terrifying things (that which strikes terror), and great miraculous signs in the heavens."

... and I believe crops and food prices will be affected even more than already.

But anyway. While Tom's gone during this record-setting dead of winter, I am grateful to an amazing God who knew my future and put clueless me through years of (not easy) daily preparation for this job of Tom's with international travel and many weeks away.

The afterward has been worth it (afterwards, if we can make it there, usually are). Dream-like. 

No, not like a nightmare! heh. But rather, a sweet, golden time which has shocked surprised me by its contented pleasantness:

The ability to see Tom's face each day by way of Skype from far-off South Africa.
The cold, but clear days that I drive safely to the supermarket.
Being stocked-up on groceries for the mornings it's not safe out there.
Wonderful books upon my shelves, some still new to me.
My Secret, Invisible Library here at Hobbit Cottage: the nearly 600 free books(!) in my free Kindle Cloud Reader.
The help from Neighbor Mike to shovel our snow and the funds with which to pay (and bless) him.
The golden yellow curtains I ordered easily online for my dining room windows. The bright colors in my living room which cheeringly contrast the white and greys outside.
The funds with which to buy birdseed and the happiness from watching their feasts from windows more often sunny than dark (we get most of our snow at night and our days are clear). Again, mostly.
Gratitude at never having lost our electricity.
The ability to print coupons here in my home(!) Facebook coupon groups alerting me to deals I'd never have found alone.
Housekeeping tasks. Retro radio music flooding my rooms with memories.
Blogging. Sharing my days, my life with you all. Facebook. Being like an encouragement stalker there, waiting to pounce with uplifting words for the depressed or those just having a rotten day. Friends' emails.
Decaf. Hot chocolate. Chicken finger delivery.
Netflix! The video store here in my living room (rather than one across icy roads) and one of the best choices Tom and I ever made.
Chuck. Dual Survival. Crossing Jordan. Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
Valentines in my mailbox and online.
Our car tucked safely, snow-free, in a real-live garage.
Daniel and Sammy The Cats snuggling with me on the couch each night as I drift off to sleep.
And mostly? This incredible Presence of Jesus. My first love who never flies away anywhere, but who's constantly with me, cheering me, meeting my deepest needs.

Oh, what a Life He has helped me create within these walls and within my heart! To many it sounds boring, but oh! We become free when we stop expecting others to understand and agree with everything about us. God knows me best and that's what counts.

But of course, I could have had nightmare weeks, instead. I could have chosen not to cooperate with God's years of lessons and done things my own way and thought my own (limited, silly) thoughts. And I could have chosen complaining over gratitude, as well, spent my energy these weeks, moaning ... and ruined/crushed/spoiled everything.

I could have been caught unprepared.

But why? Why choose bad and foolish when Jesus stands there holding good? Why reap unnecessary and stressful consequences when we could have chosen Life, instead, and reaped better? Why complain about the weather when we can be invigorated, strengthened, by the challenges of it, instead? 

Do all things without grumbling and faultfinding and complaining and [b]questioning and doubting ..."   ... Philippians 2:14

God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with him.
    Author: Jim Elliot

Every choice you make has an end result.
    Author: Zig Ziglar

I'm currently enjoying this free kindle book: Strawberry Acres. It's a an old-fashioned story about a family and an old country house which needs remodeling.


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Skype surely has been a fun thing to have!! So nice to be able to see as well as talk to loved ones far away...how much easier it would have made separations when my hubby was gone in the Navy!! So though some things in our lives are perhaps not as easy...communication has never been easier!!
    Elizabeth in NC

  2. Thanks for the blog recommendation, Debra. I'll check it out. : )

  3. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Thanks for the free book on Kindle information...I send on such to a virtually housebound friend up in Northern NY...and you think you have snow!!! OH MY...it was up to their windows last I heard!!
    Elizabeth in NC

  4. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Strawberry Acres-looks like a good one, thanks! Joyce


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