Monday, February 10, 2014

Are You Believing For Better or For Worse?

"For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you."   ...Isaiah 41:13

Long ago and far away when I was 13, I'd take a cup of chipped ice to bed at night then turn off the light, switch on my radio, lean against the headboard then stare at the moonlight upon my wall. I'd chew the ice and sway a bit while pretending to watch musicals there.

Yes, odd child. Everyone thought so.

Anyway, I remember one dark night while lying there, the song, Aubrey, came on and I thought, "Oh! If I ever have a daughter, that's what I'll name her. Aubrey. Because I love that song." For years I believed I would do that.

Fast-forward eight years to a pregnant Debra who did recall those words, but who really wanted a Bible name, instead. I considered Aubrey for her middle name, but the three names together? Too clunky.

Do you recall when my most-loved vintage radio station got snatched away from me last year? (How could you forget? Such faithless, embarrassing drama. Gah.) Well, God had taught me to believe for even better friends when I'd lose one and also, to never doubt that I'd discover other wonderful tv series whenever my favorites got cancelled.

But regarding radio stations? Hmm. He hadn't yet worked with me on that and I went kinda ballistic. I panicked and thought I'd forevermore have to settle for less. I mean, hadn't it taken me whole decades to find this perfect station? And isn't it true that I don't have that kind of time left? What about that? :)

So after, yes, one second-best vintage station which I listened to for a year, there still burned inside my heart the teensiest candle flame of faith that someday I'd find a radio station for my kitchen that I loved even more than the lost one.

A week ago, I found it!

And oh wow. I do enjoy it more. This station way, way more often plays the songs which that 13-year-old silly, dreamy-eyed girl smiled and cried along with in her bedroom so very long ago.

Songs by:

The Carpenters
Simon and Garfunkel
John Denver
The Sandpipers
Seals and Crofts

... all groups which the previous station hardly ever played, yet now they sing almost constantly in my kitchen, unlike the station I'd believed was best.

So today's lesson? Whenever you lose something or someone (or don't get exactly what you prayed for), be bold and believe that God will bring you something better.

Yes, it's not simple and is a s-t-r-e-t-c-h, but oh, to be stretched by God! To be molded into something different, something humbled, pliable, but stronger and able to believe for Impossible. And then to be rewarded as only He can reward us. With all that, why do we still think we want easy?


He does not believe who does not live according to his belief.
    Author: Thomas Fuller

Ask and you will have. Don't ask, won't have.
Seek and you will find. Don't seek, won't find.

A double-minded woman is unstable in all her ways.


Oh my! I read the comments below the recording of Aubrey and how fun! Many people named their daughters, Aubrey, because of this song. Love that.


Here's my second favorite Bread song: Diary.

When my radio station played it days ago, I sank down to my kitchen floor, closed my eyes, smiled and ok... got teary-eyed, too.

I think forever I'll feel 17 ... and always lift my eyes in surprise whenever I look into mirrors ... and see that I'm not.


  1. Debra, the older I get, the more I find that to be very true!

  2. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Don't you think life would be rather boring if everyone was alike?? Heh, try telling that to the cliques out there though, huh? I kind of marched to the beat of my own drum, more or less, too. I could not remember that song, until I clicked the link to listen...yea, I remember it and liked the sound of this group. Again, however, only the very popular group names stuck in my head. I was in trouble if my dad found me listening on my radio to such...and by the time I married at age 20, only had 3 or 4 secular records. I loved the music of the church, but I also loved listening to the Carpenters, and Beach Boys, and such...but it had to be in the car mostly while driving to school. I was not some crazy girl who would even want to go to concerts and scream, etc...just enjoyed good music!! Thanks for the trip down memory lane. The funny part is that my youngest daughter probably knows most all groups by their music alone, from clear back to WW2 times forward!! She does not sing either...just loves music. I am always amazed at how much better she knows the artists of MY time than I do!! (Heh...every once in awhile I still start singing to my hubby, "Wish they all could be California girls"!!)
    Elizabeth in NC, but native Californian

  3. I have learned when things are subtracted from me these days that while I might grieve their loss I can always expect something BETTER from my Abba.

  4. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I can remember you mentioning looking in the mirror years ago. I wrote back that I don't know what I look like as every time I look in the mirror an old lady keeps stepping in front of me!! :-) I too feel young..but at this time don't look it. LOL Growing up music was always playing somehow in our home. Piano, 78 records with the beautiful waltzes. Also the little Bakelite record player would churn out rock and roll !! Singing and humming, whatever. was the accomplishment to all our lives. From the patriotic to the little seasonal yet religious songs we used to learn in school. To hymns to symphonies to folk songs to classic rock. Woodie Guthrie to the Beach Boys. Always a tune of some kind wolfing in the air. I loved it so and still do. Now our house is quieter but the tunes are still in my head. God knew the future and he secured thousands of melodies in our minds and hearts. Now I mostly hear the birds singing and isn't that fabulous too!!! Sarah

  5. Elizabeth--yes! There are some great things about aging, aren't there? (I'm thinking about doing a post about that.) :)

    Elizabeth--Oh! My Naomi was like that, too, with the music I grew up with. She loved it and knew it better than both Tom and I did. :)

    Terri-- isn't that a wonderful way to live? I'm finding it to be. :)

    Sarah--oh, there's an old lady here who does that too! :) I loved the description of your growing up with so much music!

    Thanks, All.... Blessings, Debra


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