Wednesday, January 15, 2014

If God Says We Can, Then We Can

"(He) equips the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ..."   ... Ephesians 4:12


God reminded me this morning that whatever He asks me to do, I can do it, so any excuses I offer are invalid. Made-up. Whining.

Like now, with the way I'm home alone while Tom and Naomi are spread out across the planet. "You can do this," God tells me. "And you can do it with joy."

Uh-oh. There's the challenge--with joy. Any Average Jane could muddle through this, be all UP one hour, DOWN the next, but with joy! Joy is strength and it shines steadily and never resembles muddling or just surviving.

And you know? Whatever God's asking you to do, you can do it, also, for He never lies (but our excuses, do). He never disappears right after He nudges us out upon a scary high wire, either. Instead, He holds our hand and equips us with the specific items needed to complete our daily missions.

But it must be Him. His ideas, His plan, His specific ways, not ours.

And always, He includes Time, so there can be no declaring, "But I'm too busy for that!" Instead, there should be a clearing of our schedules, a wise flinging away of the unnecessary. A making room for our obedience which precedes our wide-eyed recognition that yes! I've found Life as He meant me to live it. Finally.

And afterward comes the daily minor miracles on this side of Heaven, even, all because we believed Him when He said we could.


"... for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure."   ... Philippians 2:13


Put simply?

If God asks you to write, then there's time and courage and talent for that. You can.

Same goes for baking for your neighbors
or pursuing photography,
or nursing.
Or couponing,
becoming an artist,
or teaching,
or adopting.
Or building,
designing clothes or bridges
or studying,
or preaching.
Or singing,
buying groceries for others
or going to school,
walking dogs.

Whatever God has called you to do, there's a way to do it...

... even if it's to forgive, to be bold or patient or to move on.

 He promises His help with it all.

Rest in this - it is His business to lead, command, impel, send, call or whatever you want to call it. It is your business to obey, follow, move, respond, or what have you.
    Author: Jim Elliot

Until you have given up your self to Him you will not have a real self.
    Author: C.S. Lewis
    Source: Mere Christianity


Oh! Just now found something for those of you who love reading about off-the-grid farming. Go here.  I  enjoyed this article and all the photos--such views from the windows!


  1. Dolores11:10 AM

    Debra, I love this post. But, I think I hear Him saying,"Go to Philadelphia and stay with Dolores until Tom comes home". hehehe

  2. Oh Dolores! I'll be sure to ask God if that's what He's saying. I hope He says, "Yes!" :) Thank-you!Blessings, Debra

  3. Another wonderful and timely post Debra!

  4. Elizabeth-- That word,
    'timely', is probably my favorite concerning this blog. Thank-you much for letting me know it was timely for you! Blessings, Debra

  5. Althea10:03 PM

    I second Elizabeth's comment! Thanks again Debra.


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