Sunday, December 08, 2013

Smiles In December

Since I firmly believe laughter is incredible medicine (and that there's way too much bad news shared daily), here are some recent 'lighter side' entries from our local Police Blotter. Enjoy:

A woman walking her dog on ______ Drive claimed
she heard pounding coming from the basement
of one of the homes. Police found that it was the
homeowner’s pet monkey hitting the basement window.

A ______ Road resident told police a man and a woman were
acting suspiciously. The man told police he
and his girlfriend were playing hide and seek.

A resident of _____ Avenue claimed that a neighbor was
shooting arrows in his backyard. The man told
police he was showing his fiance how to shoot arrows and
promised to stop.

A resident of _______ Drive reported a suspicious-looking
man walking around the yard of a neighboring
home. When police questioned the man, he told them he
was looking for his date, who had not shown

A man reported that a woman who was wearing sunglasses
and had blonde hair stopped and stared at
him for a long period of time while he was on ______

Police responded to a report that a man was slumped over in a vehicle parked on ____ Avenue. The man was leaning over to scratch off instant lottery tickets.

 A ______ Drive female reported her children were
playing in the house with improvised

 A ______ Lane resident reported garbage had been stolen
from in front of the house for the
fourth time in eight months.

A _______ resident flagged down an officer and reported suspicious activity outside a local bar. The officer found a female coloring on the sidewalk with chalk.

Two sisters, ages 22 and 23, were having a loud argument
over bacon in a ______ Road residence.

A road obstruction was reported on _____ Drive. The patrol removed a rake from the road.

An _______ Street female requested a checkpoint on her
house, because her husband would be
out of town, and “strange things happen when he is gone.”

Oh my goodness. Police officers must be very patient people, indeed.  (And some people really need to lighten up and get a life. Soon.)  :)


Do you like a capella music? Have you had a bad day? Then I'm thinking you may just enjoy this very much. (May take a couple seconds to load.)

Wow. Just wow.


A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is crushed."   ... Proverbs 15:13

"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."   ...   Proverbs 17:22


  1. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Thank you for the link to the a capella music! As you said: Wow, just wow.

  2. Anonymous7:29 PM

    WELL, what excitement! Funny too!! Going now to see if I can get the link to work...sounds good.

    Elizabeth in NC


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