Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Non-Shoe-People Might Get This

"Be it unto you even as you have believed..."

So Tom's company's silly fancy Christmas party is looming nearer and I needed a pair of black dress shoes to wear.

Some women are Shoe People. You know, give-me-shelves-and-shelves-of-shoes-lest-I-die people.

I am so not one of those women (but I do get that way about books. er hem.)

Most years I own only these shoes:

1 pair walking shoes (and a back-up pair (or two) in case they crumble)
1 pair of shoes for the supermarket, estate sales, the dentist, etc.
1 pair dress shoes for special occasions (ones which usually pinch my feet and bring me dangerously close to swearing or crying or both).

Well. Somehow I managed to own no dress shoes this year so I thought I might order some online. Gah. Have you ever tried to do that? I'd spy a cute, these-might-be-comfortable! pair and then read the comments about them:

"These shoes run a half-size larger so order them smaller."
"These shoes run a half-size smaller so order them larger."
"These shoes look cheap in real life."
"These shoes look terrific for the small amount I paid."
"I love these shoes."
"I hated these shoes and sent them back."

And that helps how?

So I gave-up that idea and considered buying new shoes from our town's shoe store. I found their website, perused their inventory and prices and I knew. I knew I'd only pay that much for dress shoes if good ol' Salvation Army had none to offer, first.

I mean, it's weird. Tom and I are doing better financially than ever before, but I still didn't want to spend $30 on shoes and not because of a fear of future lack (or whatever). I. Just. Didn't. Want. To. Spend. That. Much.

Which showed me that no matter how much money we have, I'll always be a cheapskate.

Anyway, there I was fighting dread again. You know, about not wanting to shop at Salvation Army on a Saturday morning (which I could be spending with Tom) possibly not finding shoes there and then needing to brave the wild-eyed December crowds at a real shoe store. (Not to mention doing battle against dreading the fancy, schmancy party.)

But Saturday came (as it will) and I drove to S.A. with anticipation and Grace in the car and what did we find there? Three pair of black dress shoes which fit me wonderfully--all together for half the price of one new pair. (Yes, I bought three. Call it a thinking ahead type of extravagance.) 

Plus, I discovered a vintage copy of Henry Huggins, the only book missing from my collection of that series. Oh, and a pretty sweater top. Plus, I even had a pleasant time (gasp!).

Note to self again: stop dreading things. Even a tad. Dread is a misuse (dare I say abuse?) of the imagination and spoils days and whole weeks. Instead, expect great things and good times (with God beside you) and you will much more likely find them.

And that's the end of this shoe story.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."   ... Romans 5:13


"Earth's crammed with heaven,
                And every common bush afire with God;
                But only he who sees, takes off his shoes,
                The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries,
                And daub their natural faces unaware."

.... Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
But only he who sees, takes off his shoes,
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries,
And daub their natural faces unaware.


Read more at http://www.notable-quotes.com/b/browning_elizabeth_barrett.html#k08ZgMQAcx4pQ6bM.99

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
But only he who sees, takes off his shoes,
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries,
And daub their natural faces unaware.


Read more at http://www.notable-quotes.com/b/browning_elizabeth_barrett.html#k08ZgMQAcx4pQ6bM.99


  1. I can relate Debra, I was never a shoe person either but a about a year ago I started liking shoes more and have more in my closet now than ever before but still find myself wearing the same ones most everyday!

  2. I am not a shoe person either because it is so difficult for me to find comfy shoes! And I never order shoes online....must try on shoes before buying.

  3. Dolores12:36 PM

    Oh Debra, this made me laugh. I hate spending money on clothes and shoes. The only thing worse is shopping for them. I usually avoid going anywhere where I need to dress up, but, sometime it can't be avoided. Congratulations on the great deals you got.!

  4. I hate shoe shopping. I have a terrible time finding shoes that fit correctly.

    As far as dread goes, I do the same thing and then when it's over, I kick myself and wonder whey I was so anxious! It's fear of the unknown, I think.

  5. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Years ago when I fit shoes easier, I had lots of shoes, but now I have pared down to just the few that fit, though that number is a bit larger than yours. Because you know really, I prefer to go bare-foot, though you can only do that at home!!

  6. Good story and great lesson! I used to be one of those shoe loving people, not any more. I don't even like socks, LOL!
    Glad you had such great results!

  7. I can relate ... if it's not running shoes or sandals ... i'm in trouble!!!! ha! God blessed you above & beyond - and I know, it's not the money ... good for you!


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