Monday, November 18, 2013

Wanting To 'Be The Change'

"Yet I am confident I will see the Lord's goodness while I am here in the land of the living." Psalm 27:13


"Be the change you wish to see in this world." ... Gandhi

That's what I peeled-and-stuck to my kitchen wall and it keeps me from complaining about this sorry old world.

God doesn't need me to report what I see through dark, pessimistic glasses nor to type blog posts immediately after drinking from The Cynical Cup as it gets passed around. There's enough of that.

No, you have my permission to shoot me if I start blogging about bad stuff and stupid people, making anyone feel Life is 100% impossible. May I always remember that the Earth is still God's (and the fullness thereof), He sent Jesus to die for the worst amongst us, and He has better plans for my time and energy than to mutter about things gone wrong.

Nope, He'd rather I help others and too, that I choose joy now rather than waiting till The Sweet By and By. I mean, why wait? In God's presence there's still fullness of joy, 'surely goodness,' incredible peace and hope that scads of people will be set free before Jesus pulls us out of here.

And since that presence is still here, these are my good old days. God's presence still wells up inside me and overflows, even in this 2013 sorry, imperfect world. The Times may change, but Jesus never, ever does. He's just as remarkable and incredibly present as He ever was... and able to change the world through us.


"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."   ... Philippians 4:13

What becomes vital is that we actually use His strength rather than rely upon our tiny reservoirs of what appears like strength, but is microscopic by comparison.


I'd not visited the huge, 3-story bookstore near us in lots of years so Tom drove us there on Saturday. Everything appeared to be the same--loved that. I had only 15 minutes, so I grabbed these books in the kids' lit. room and am now officially all set for winter.

(The last two are It's Like This, Cat and Mary Poppins At The Park and some were replacements I'd too ruthlessly let go during our moves.)


Oh, the winds last night! But never fear--they did not blow us away.


Every single time I mention that 'these are my good old days', I think of this.

Good still happens!

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