Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Having Christmas My Way. Again.


"Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."   ... 2 Corinthians 9:7


So yes. Yes, since last week, Christmas carols have wafted from my kitchen radio on Buffalo's Joy FM. Days and days before Thanksgiving, even(!)

I make no apology for that.

Now, if you're one of my longtime readers, you might recall how years ago I had issues with the way the world does Christmas and how I preferred to keep it year around (like the reborn Scrooge of literary fame) rather than join in the intensity of it all.

Yet now I wonder what was all the fuss? Oh ok, Tom usually had to work on Christmas Day (often Thanksgiving, also) and I'd worry that would mess up Naomi's psyche (or whatever) when, actually, my complaining about Tom's having to work those days and moaning about commercialism also, (etc.), probably did the most 'damage'. Though hey-- at 33, Naomi appears fine and well-adjusted one might even say (with my fingers hopefully crossed.)

But then a handful of years ago I finally decided to Just Do Christmas My Way. You know, do the things Grace helped me do with joy and leave the rest alone.

I'd listen to Christmas carols on the radio or play them on my record player.
I'd buy a few gifts online.
If I decorated the house at all, it would just be a tad (fortunately, Tom and Naomi don't care either way).
I'd watch maybe two Christmas movies. Oh, and A Charlie Brown Christmas, (but of course).
I'd mail a sane amount of Christmas cards and send a few ecards, as well.
I'd cook a simple Christmas dinner, but not one which made me twitch with insanity by the time I sat down at the table.

And besides taking an occasional walk in the snow in Real Life or here, well, that's about it.

What helped me most slow down the whole Crazy Christmas Train was the realization that if--during the rest of the year--I'd done for others what God asked, well then, come December I'd be all caught-up. I'd have lived a Christmas type of lifestyle and wouldn't need to squeeze wild-eyed, manic giving into one short month.

No, now December signals calmness, a relaxing type of enjoyment and quiet appreciation of Jesus birth. That is, only if I lived the rest of the year His way.


"Do not say to your neighbor, "Come back later; I'll give it tomorrow" when you now have it with you."   ... Proverbs 3:28


The snow--she's a comin'. This afternoon, ready or not. And I'm not, for there are leaves still to be raked. Oh well.


Tom and I do thank each of you who sent us anniversary wishes here and at Facebook!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Somewhat different time of life contributes now, plus other events and changes, but we do nothing except quietly and peacefully enjoy each day we can during this rushed crazy time for most. Much nicer this way!! The thing I most enjoyed was being with those I loved who loved me most and now that they are all gone, and I have to wait for the Kingdom to be with them like that again, it is ok with me to do things with just hubby and our unmarried daughter as she can. Our married children all do with the in-laws. Which is fine with us. We do the best we can to celebrate GOD the whole year!! So nice doing so on more regular basis anyway!! And giving every single chance we can, all year long makes good sense too doesn't it?
    Elizabeth, now in NC, glad to be older and living more quietly!!


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