Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Creativity: It's In There

We have this picture window, yet during the winter, well, that 'picture' gets to looking pretty tired: grey trees, old houses, dark skies and snow. But last week I thought, "Why not create my own picture, one with some greenery?" 

So I carried two pots of ivy from our back patio to the front one and now my yellow-curtained picture window will frame green ivy upon our patio set and remind me of springtime on even the darkest, most frigid days ahead.

Oh, I like that and already it's warming my thoughts, for today when I skipped outside to feed the birds, there was a 23 degree windchill-- so cold for November! Yet now I'll have my bit of Spring on the patio all winter long.

I love how God and creative people inspire us to make positive changes in and around our homes during times when changing our outside world feels impossible. We are not helpless, nor are we victims to the Times! No, we're the children of the most creative Father, ever, and His new, colorful ideas (and hope) never stop flowing.

Where there's a will, there's a creative way. At least, I've found that to be true.

Bright sunshine has poured into our house for nine amazing hours. I'm thinking I could live in a two-bedroom re-purposed cardboard box as long as it had a southern exposure. :)


Tom and I are plugging our way through the second season of The 4,400. What a cool show!

"... for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose."   ... Philippians 2:13

Seek and you shall find... ask and it shall be opened unto you....
Blaming people or circumstances will only keep us stuck, unable to break away and run free.

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