Sunday, October 13, 2013

Yeah, Yeah... It's Easier Said Than Done

Ol' Debra has a new pet-peeve.

See, daily at Facebook I get these short teaching posts from favorite ministries, ones like these:

"If you’re going to reach your highest potential, you have to have bold obedience. That means you obey even when you don’t understand it, you just do it even though it doesn’t make sense."  (from Joel Osteen Ministries)

"The world today is looking for something real. It is tired of counterfeit spirituality, empty words, lifeless formulas that don't really work, and just going through the motions. As believers in Christ, let's cooperate with the Holy Spirit within us to give the world what it is really searching for." (From Joyce Meyer Ministries)

"The God you serve is accessible. Know that He’s with you and that He stands beside you as you go through this life. When everything is coming against you, know that God is still with you and that you don’t have to worry or fret for anything. Your God hears you when you pray. Hallelujah!" (From Jesse Duplantis Ministries)

And what can I always count on seeing in the message boards? Lots of  weary/hopeless/defeated Christians who will sigh reply, "Yes, but that's easier said than done."

Well, no kidding! I mean, hey... The easiest thing in the world is to speak. Blah, blah, blah. Yack, yack, yack. Is there anything in this whole life easier than complaining? I think not. Anybody can moan, moan, moan. Anybody.

But can anybody always do the right thing?

Probably not. Obviously that's the harder, more challenging thing. And yet we do have this promise:

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." ... Philippians 4:13.  All things which He asks me to do--easy or hard, simple or complicated, new-to-me or same ol', same ol'.

What matters is boldly taking that first step. What matters is coming to view things like God views them.

As I see it? "That's easier said than done," is like stating the obvious. It's redundant and worse? It can become an excuse and even like building a fence across the road I must take, keeping me inside my same sad, defeated state...

... and personally, I want something so much better!


"After all is said and done, a lot more will have been said than done." 

...  author unknown.


Oh wow... Today my grandmother would have turned 100 years old. Incredible!

She's been living in Heaven since I was just 36 and I still miss her. Many, many days though, I imagine her in Heaven with my grandfather and others in their family while enjoying awesome, gleaming days and I smile to think that they're anticipating my own arrival someday. 


Oh! Just now discovered that I can watch episodes of House Hunters International online!

And House Hunters, also.

(Although, as I've confessed here before, it does irk me when couples walk into to-die-for houses and wrinkle their noses in disdain at a few just-not-perfect details.)

Oh, through Netflix last week I began watching My First Home. Love it, actually, since first-time home buyers tend to appreciate just having a home of their own, period, and get excited about the cutest things.


  1. I've found that there are "seasons" in my life when things seem harder. I'm not sorry now for those harder seasons, because it helped me to understand those who live in the whiny lands. Because I've been there, and still visit from time to time. Hopefully I can now recognize the scenery as I approach and do a quick about-face. Now I greatly appreciate those who go through hard times without whining and complaining.

  2. I don't 'do' plaques as a rule but I found one a few years ago that really spoke to my heart. It says "Faith is taking that first step even when you can't see the whole staircase." That came to mind as I read the first part of your post.

    And honey! do NOT tell me I can see House Hunters Int'l online...I shall never be off my computer if I can watch all of the European episodes!


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