Thursday, October 31, 2013

Balancing Upon Life's High Wire

"Be well-balanced, be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring, seeking someone to seize upon and devour."   ... 1 Peter 5:8


Aww... Dolores paid me the nicest compliment today regarding my last post:

"Debra, this post was a soothing balm to my scrambled brain this morning. I was very stressed out when I read it, but, by the end I was feeling peace."

And really? I know exactly what Dolores meant because that's how I always feel after stepping away from Clarice's blog.

Clarice is awesome. She doesn't go all Chicken Little about stuff in today's world, you know, like many Christians out there who yelp, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!," when they post on Facebook or in blogs after camping-out in front of tv news.

And well, when I tire of all that yelping, I visit Clarice because, over at her house, Life will still be good. She'll have soup from a friend's recipe simmering on her new stove, a pie in the oven, or her daughters will be modeling clothes they sewed, themselves. Or Clarice will be placing flowers from her yard into a vase she bought at a thrift shop that morning or painting a chalkboard upon her kitchen wall, setting her Craigslist table, or painting the inside of her built-in corner hutch.

The world still spins right-side-up over at Clarice's and God is still huge there, so she's not biting her nails each time the economy tanks, but rather, she quietly lives by faith rather than just reading about it. 

Yes, Clarice just finds new ways to stretch a dollar and create a beautiful home using her trusting, peace-filled, clever mind. When something does come along to 'upset her apple cart', she does her part and then lets God do His. Any upset becomes just a tiny blip along Clarice's Life's Timeline--the whole timeline, itself, does not shoot upward off the chart for the next five years. Instead, she has a pattern of quickly returning to balance ... blessed, wonderful balance which satan cannot get his teeth into (so he wanders away to someone else).

And when I grow-up, I want to be just like Clarice.


"... in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength..."   ... Isaiah 30:15

"But without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."   ... Hebrews 11:6


  1. I've told my husband the same thing, you cant get all worked up over what is happening in our world today. If something happens you do what you need to do to get through it and get on with living our lives. Otherwise our days would be filled with either crying or anger and life is too short wasting time on either of those! :-) Enjoy reading your posts, they do give me chances to stop and think about my own thoughts.

  2. Dolores8:38 PM

    Thanks for mentioning me in this post Debra. And thanks for the link to Clarice's blog. I really like it.


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