Tuesday, September 03, 2013

New Things Today

"See! I make all things new."  ... Revelation 21:5


Wow... He's certainly doing that for me today.

Last week the humidity and heat around here were ridiculous again so I barely stepped outside (only to water plants and bird bowls for a few minutes, oh, and to mow the yard on Friday, something I barely survived) and I never opened a window and didn't take a single walk around the neighborhood (sigh).

But this morning! Oh, it's only 62 heavenly, humidity-free degrees out there, all our windows stand open and I feel 18-years-old again, with enough energy to clean this whole house (not that I will, but hey... I could if I wanted).

So as Diana Nyad told us all after making her historic swim from Cuba to Florida--never give up! Everything could change for you tomorrow.

And personally? I've found that even after 35 years of playing homemaker, washing, vacuuming, cooking again and again, God is still able to make my simple days look and feel new and fresh. Though honestly, it's beyond me how He does that.


So Tom and I did actually make the drive out to the countryside yesterday and all those yard sales (a flea market on a beautiful old farm, also) and although we bought just one inconsequential thing, still, the search, the meandering through antiques was, as always, great fun. For lunch we visited a Mexican food restaurant for the second time, one tucked amongst farmland.

And yes, we paused in front of our old farm, noted once more that the new owners are not playing farmers at all, but simply mowing around everything, and too, the branches of the (unfertilized and un-pruned) apple trees hung down to the ground with a zillion apples.

How we really felt about all that? "Boy are we grateful that those acres and those thousands of apples are no longer our responsibility!" And we drove away with songs within our hearts back to dear, sweet Hobbit Cottage.

"Brethren ... one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead."   ... Philippians 3:13

Tom and I are watching the current Syria drama with great interest, best described by this article written one year ago. Oh, the times in which we all live!


Another of my all-time favorite, rereadable-twenty-times books? Grandma Moses: My Life's History. Ooooo... this one is special and if you loved the Little House books, I'll boldly guarantee you'll enjoy Grandma Moses' life in her own words.

(Read about it at the link above, purchase copies here.  Be sure Otto Kallir's name is mentioned somewhere and that it was published between 1948 & 1952, for another book with the same title was later printed with only her paintings. Or perhaps your town library or inter-loan will have a copy?)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:57 AM

    interesting article...thanks.
    Elizabeth now in WA still...


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