Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Early Autumn Light--Don't Miss It

"This is the day that Lord Jehovah has made; come, we will leap for joy and rejoice in him!" ... Psalm 118:24

These current days--oh my! Gorgeous, shining, cool autumnal clarity and that slant of autumn light which Emily Dickinson mentioned. It's energizing even-- yesterday I mowed our lawn, swept sidewalks, used scissors to trim dead growth and spoke with my behind-our-house neighbor, Shirley, who's lived in her home for 62 years. 

Oh that light! The inside of my home appeared warmer, cozier making me gasp, even, when I stepped into this room, above, yesterday morning.

Do you ever take Gratitude Walks through your home? I do. I hope you do, also. They're transforming.

Of course, Autumn's not officially arrived yet, but I can celebrate anyway. And along that line, I'm not in Heaven yet, but I can still learn now how to live there before I someday arrive.

No, really. Even now I can learn to, each moment, overflow with gratitude and appreciate and notice all gifts God fluttered down to me. To be kind, merciful and forgiving to others. To concentrate on what's going right, rather than what's gone wrong. To vividly see everything God's way.

And so much more. 

Why? So that when I reach Heaven I'll have already learned (as much as I can) how to live there and will fit right in rather than needing years' worth of lessons I could have learned down here, first.


"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."   ... Psalm 16:11


Some songs sound even better than they did when I heard them on my radio in high school. This is one of them.

Don't you just love dishes in bright colors?


In my household there is an insane amount of laughter and celebration.
... Edie Falco 


  1. This morning, one piece of a little strip of cloud was lit up like a rainbow.
    It made me so damn happy I smiled all the way to work.

    Autumn light. The best.

  2. The rain (and flooding) has finally stopped, here in Colorado.

    This morning, we had the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen.
    The sky was red and pink and purple and blue, and the colors were layered. Sunbeams were shining through and it was just awesome.

    So many people needed that today.

  3. Rosemary8:58 PM

    Debra, your link to the song by America led me down memory lane to Orleans (the band), to Peter Frampton, and on and on. Wonderful! Love my 70's music...


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