Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Compassion? Or a Saviour Complex?

"Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good."   1 Corinthians 12:7


If the daily news has you feeling discouraged about the whole human race, I highly recommend watching mega doses of Undercover Boss (3 seasons can be found through instant Netflix). It will remind you that hard-working people of excellence, purpose and compassion still exist everywhere

Yet it also reminded me of this post, below, when I began questioning the fingerprint I'm leaving on this planet. I remembered I can only do what God's asks me to--and if I do--it will be enough.


I knew a Christian blogger who said he had so much compassion for the poor, hopeless people of this world that it made him sad all the time. He cried for poor, lonely people, prayed for them, of course, too. And over time I watched him become 'paralyzed,' for he felt so sad, so much 'compassion,' that he became overwhelmed and spent his days resenting how numbers of people are being mistreated and having hard lives. He became mad at Christians who didn't do enough, angry over his own limitations, he quit blogging and ended up helping no one.

satan will use anything to knock us out of the game.

Then there's a Christian author who feels great compassion for single mothers having rough times and teens, too, who are wandering so far from God. She meets these people, and unlike the man above, she gives to them what God nudges her to give, money or gifts or just the right words. So that's wonderful, but she always feels it's never enough. And the majority of her years she's spent in sadness, grieving for others.

If you've read here long you know I'm a big proponent of balance. And seasons! Seasons exist for everything, also. A time to weep with those who weep--yes! But that season is not 24/7 all the days of our lives, for the Bible also adds there's a time to rejoice and dance and praise God with joyful songs and to see good days. 

It also says His joy is our strength.

True, godly hope--I think that's what may be missing in the hearts of those sad, 24/7 weepy Christians who say they're just extra compassionate. I mean, godly hope is full of anticipation! Pray some prayers with godly hope and you'll begin looking forward to their being answered. To you, it's only be a matter of time, and in the meantime, you can rest in anticipation that God will come through with awesome answers.

What matters most is that I do my God-given part and that I believe God will save the day, heal the hurt, become the friend who sticks closer than a brother. Not that I rush around alone all Super Christian-like, trying to save humanity. Uh, no. (That may sound funny, but I've known people who believe they are called to do that.)

No, God would never ask one person to help everyone. (Personally, I don't believe He'd place that huge a burden on anyone.) Rather, we each have a necessary piece in this huge puzzle and what remains is for us to do his/her part in meeting those needs, so that in turn, all needs will be met.

And if God asks us to do a thing, He will enable us to complete it and it will get done. It won't send us to lying prostrate on a couch, hopeless, overwhelmed. God isn't mean like that. 

If He's asking us to help three people, then He'll equip us to help three people. But we're being foolish if we allow a 'paralyzation'to creep over us because we couldn't help three million souls, instead. Or the whole neighborhood, the entire town or the complete unwed mothers' home.

If we obey God's direct requests, He'll give us the joy of obedience which then becomes additional strength to complete more of His will... 

... as well as great anticipation of the other prayers He'll answer farther along on our journey.


"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." ... Matthew 11:29


The goal is never that we become anyone's everything. That goal is God's, alone.


"The joy of the Lord is your strength." ... Neh. 8:10


  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Amen. Your friend from Kentucky, Belynda

  2. Belynda--I do thank you so much for commenting! This, I believe, is an important post and I'm glad that someone recognized that, even though I mostly reposted it for the reminder to myself. :) Thanks again! Blessings, Debra

  3. I was just getting caught up on your posts Debra. So true! I have always believed that if your idea of compassion is to crawl down into a pit of despair with someone, that leaves no one to pull anyone out of the pit! I believe God wants us to have joy. Keep spreading the joy Debra!


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