Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Yesterday. A Sober One.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."   ... Romans 15:13


Though I puttered a bit yesterday, tweaking tiny changes in our living room (which perhaps you noticed in my new header), mostly I felt blah, a bit sinus-headachy and well, sad. Mostly it was a day to pause, to heal yet once more. 

Why? Because eons ago during a short window in Time, Tom, Naomi and I had 'real cable' which included fun Disney Channel shows like Pete and Pete, Even Stevens, Lizzie McGuire. Yes, these were aimed at kids, but if you'll recall how much I love kids' lit., you may understand why I also enjoyed these. And actually? Both Tom and I ate many a dinner in front of those shows, laughing together and enjoying the humor, story lines and 'moral niceness' of them.

Oh, and one more show: The Famous Jett Jackson. We found it clever, fun and sentimental. And that's why yesterday I felt sad: the star of that show, Lee Thompson Young, committed suicide.

This one hurt. Watching Lee grow-up and move on to shows like Friday Night Lights and Rizzoli and Isles, well, it nearly felt like seeing a neighbor's child move into adulthood. It felt like 'I knew him when' and almost like I'd actually met him, when, of course, no, I had not. But seeing people on tv year after year does strange things to one's mind.

I've not yet heard if anyone knows why Lee took his life--I only know this is an enormous tragedy. It's left many of Lee's friends, fans, loved-ones hurting, struggling, questioning Life (and God, sadly) and fearing who may be next.

And I know that Life is fragile and Hollywood and its watching public can be ruthless, unmerciful and cruel.

And also? I know that the power of life and death can be found in our words--so we need to share our opinions carefully, kindly. Sparingly works, too. And when God nudges us to pray for people we don't even know? We need to pray, without questioning the why. And if He leads us to visit a relative or neighbor or call them out of the blue? We need to visit or call. Or send a card.

Basically, we need to care and to show that we care. To love. Because we all matter to God. Truly.

And may none of us ever, ever give-up.


"Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off."   ... Proverbs 23:18

"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit."   ... Proverbs 18:21

"The greatest of these is love..."  from 1 Corinthians 13


I've recommended Pete and Pete before, but I must again. Though yes, it's humorous, the overall feeling is incredibly retro (you'll recall the best days of your own childhood), sentimental, sweet, even dreamy and well, it's one unique show that's hard to describe. I watch these over and over. 

Perhaps order a few of these from Netflix? I've got the 1st season episode, What We Did On Our Summer Vacation, memorized. Do you have fond memories of summer and the ice cream man/truck? You'll love that episode, also.


"Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?"  

                                                                          ... From It's a Wonderful Life


  1. Hey Debra. I have never heard of this show or this actor. How very sad. Hope you are feeling better today.

  2. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Oh, how terribly sad. I had to comment because I watched all of the shows you mentioned with my three sons. My boys still talk about how much I liked "Pete and Pete". I really like your blog and think we are kindred spirits in some ways! (Was only able to post anonymously so I will sign, Belynda) p.s. On happier note, I really like your new sofa!

  3. Dolores11:53 AM

    This is so sad. So many child stars lives end tragically.

  4. I only 'knew' him from R & I, but he seemed to be such a gentle spirit. So very sad.

  5. Hi Debra, I am back to blogging after 2 months, check out my post. I love your sofa,I had plates just like those! You know I love those 50 homes!

  6. Thank-you Robin, Dolores and Nan for your thoughts of comfort about the sadness of his passing... Belynda--we must be kindred spirits since you're the only other adult I've ever heard say they enjoyed Pete and Pete! :) Thanks for letting me know. And Elizabeth--I'm glad you're back to blogging after a long rest from it! So glad your hubby is improving, too!

    Thanks again, everyone... Debra


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