Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Well, What Did You Expect?

"... According to your faith be it unto you."   ... Matthew 9:29


So. Years ago I'd drive to the supermarket, stare out the windshield and think:

"They'll probably be out of half of what I need."
"The store's gonna be crowded with slow people blocking the aisles with their carts."
"The music they're playing today is probably that atrocious hard rock stuff.'
"This will take forever."
"I hate paying such high prices."
'I just know I'll have to wait in line at the check stand for hours."
"The cashier will probably complain about my coupons and need to call someone over to force them through."

I'd reach the store and what would I find? Exactly all of the above. (Shocker, right?).

But these days? I've learned to use my faith to believe for positive supermarket experiences. And guess what? I get none of the above. Or maybe a tiny bit, but with tons of grace to handle it.

I enjoy grocery shopping. My supermarket is a fun place and I even meet some spiffy folks there.

We get such a short life upon this planet. Why reach Heaven and have Jesus tell me it was within me to create a delightful life here, but I used my faith to believe for trouble, instead? Hmmm?


"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."   ... Philippians 4:8

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."   Philippians 4:6

"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."   ... Proverbs 17:22


Here's a coupon for $3 off (!) Honey Melt Organic Buttery Spread. Change the zip code to 60438 then refresh the page (or return here afterward and again click on this link).

It's the beginning of a new month.... be sure to check all your favorite coupon websites for new deals!


Anyone recognize these bright pink flowers which grow wild in my yard?


  1. I have done/said everything you wrote there. When I go to the grocery store, I try to remind myself to be thankful I have the money to buy groceries this week.

    Those flowers are so pretty. I love wild flowers that most people call weeds. Would you believe that those are called Deptford Pink? I have a wildflower book and I am always looking up the names of flowers we find on our walks.

  2. Oh thank-you, Robin! A friend of mine knew they were from the dianthus family, but you've solved the rest of the puzzle. :) I've wondered about these since last year--thanks again! Blessings, Debra


  3. Once again Debra, I've been there done that!
    I make much wiser choices now...or try to. Sometimes it's not about saving a few cents if I know the place to shop that provides the biggest savings will also charge for my sanity. I'll make a revised list of necessities to get me by and go to the store that charges a bit more...that is more "peaceful". I save in many ways when I do that, LOL!

  4. And Pat---I've been there, done *that* a few times, too! heh. :) The older I get, the more I protect my sanity, also. (If I don't, who will?) ... Debra

  5. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I expect that if I marketed with carefully coiffed hair, a coolio 1960's tailored suit, and pearls my shopping experience would be enhanced substantially. LOL.

    What you have written is so true. I was listening to a CD this morning while putting on my makeup that discussed the very same thing.

    Love you, girl.

    The View from 256

  6. Oh Anne--you always crack me up! Can't you just see the both of us dressed like that, pushing our cats together down the aisle? Ahh... makes me want to dress-up the next time I go shopping. :)How fun that your cd spoke of this same subject! Love you, too... Debra

  7. In my quote book are some words from Gladys Taber:
    I do not believe in living trouble before it happens.

    Not easy to do, but worth the trying.

  8. Nan--that's one of the reasons I really appreciate Gladys! Thanks for sharing that quote-- we'd all do well to abide by it! :)... blessings, Debra

  9. Anonymous1:03 AM

    I am one of those who tries to find the times when stores are less full...just makes life better when we can slow down and enjoy things more!!

    Elizabeth in WA

  10. I love, love to grocery shop! I try to go early in the morning before the stores are crazy and I have anywhere from one to five of my kids with me...and we have a blast. We've gotten to know some of the employees and so it's like running into friends every single week. Then there's the fun of coming home and putting everything away and feeling the joy and satisfaction of a well-stocked kitchen.:0)

  11. Elizabeth and Leah--yep! I always, always shop early in the morning, also. Even before my store's lights are even all turned up! :) To me, the world looks quite different, more lovely and old-fashioned, in the mornings. And Leah--I love that feeling of a well-stocked kitchen, as well! :) Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.