Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Pels Amongst Us

From July 2005.

"The joy of the Lord is my strength."   ... Nehemiah 8:10


This morning I am rereading the book by P.L. Travers called, I Go By Sea, I Go By Land. A highly re-readable book indeed... probably my fourth time to read it.

I read this passage and knew I had to share it with you:

"Pel is our Family Friend. She writes books...She makes you laugh and dance inside yourself and at the same time you feel that she is somebody who will always be there and that is a very safe feeling."

I think we need more Pels amongst us. We need more Christians who make us laugh and dance inside. I find so few and I read so many serious blogs--wordy, critical, stuffy-choking Christian blogs. After awhile, they make me hang my head. They do not make me dance.

Oh, I'm not saying that everyone should go around pretending to have joy if they don't actually have any. After all, you can't pretend to be a real-life Pel. You either are one or you're not.

I am saying though, that I wish I knew more Christians who have really been set free. Ones with so much real joy that they can't help but spill it over in showering drops onto those who stand next to them.

People who are built stronger than the Titanic--ones who don't sink after running into just one iceberg.

I need more Pels. People who are free, people who have learned to stay free and to share their freedom.

People who are fun to be with, ones who laugh and dance inside and out, shaking-up their joy like a bottle of 7-Up and swoosh! Spraying it upon the hopeless wherever they may go.

And yes, I need to be more of a Pel, myself, rather than being only a partial Pel. :)

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."   ... Galations 5:1

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." ... John 8:36


Back here in 2013... If you enjoy fairies and photography, you'll love this.

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