Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday Fun And Inspiration

So hey! Tom picked up the glass tabletop yesterday and I'm thrilled with it. All those dancing leaves! The old table looked rather somber, but this one feels better, more summery, and I don't even care about needing to wipe down the finger and cat prints each day. Who minds cleaning something which brings them joy?

(Oh, and in Real Life, the chairs are a bit more yellow and absolutely everything looks nicer.)  :)


Today is supposed to be our final beyond-hot-and-humid day--hooray! We're having heat indexes over 100 degrees, but whew... we're due for a break and the timing is perfect, for Naomi will arrive from Nashville for a visit late tomorrow night!


And this will inspire your socks off: 

Wow. Over 200 kids from our area and beyond actually paid money to scrape paint and build porches in this scorching heat to help the less fortunate fix up their homes. They did it to spread hope--and they certainly have!


And here's a decorating blog which you may appreciate. Oh, those round windows! (Be still my heart...)

Thanks again, Dolores, for that link!


Oh! And back in 2010 right after Tom was laid-off, our vacuum cleaner broke down. Fortunately, Naomi found us one through Craig's List for only $5(!) and it lasted until a couple weeks ago. 

The vacuum repair guy told Tom everything needed replacing on it, so Tom bought this one, below, on Ebay for only $100 (the seller had paid $700 years ago--he sent us the receipt in case the warranty can be transferred). An incredible vacuum! He even included the mini one for free. Wow... God is truly good when we rely on Him for all our needs rather than scheming or lying awake nights, worrying.


  1. I've been reading your
    blog for a while now and have never commented.

    I like your down to earth common sense approach to life.
    Simple faith will take us a long way if we just use it.
    I just thought I'd let you know I've been enjoying what you do!
    Blessings to you,

  2. Excellent video about the teens. More kids need to do service projects.


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