Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ah, Motherhood!

"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart."   ... Luke 2:19


So after eight days here, Naomi left yesterday and I had to keep turning my face away lest the tearful contortions scare her....

Ah, Motherhood!

The year Naomi lived with us out at the farm was such a gift and I'm grateful I treasured it as such. How sad if I'd been blind to that gift! Naomi had spoken of Nashville often so Tom and I knew she'd get there and we looked at Naomi differently those months and did not take one moment of farm life with her for granted.

It all zoomed past, though, as did her entire childhood, actually. But at least appreciated, memorized and treasured.

Motherhood stretches me like nothing else and I find my heart speaking one thing and my head another. My heart would like Naomi closer to home, but my head and Wisdom remind me to let go, that childhood is fleeting and the adult is meant to be led by God, traveling where He leads, not where I would have my little-girl-all-grown-up settle. I have no right to rewrite God's will for anyone, not even my own daughter.

And so I discipline my mind to accept this and my mother's heart to keep its memories and its desires to itself. And when they behave? I am happiest while acceptance reigns. As it should.


Here's huge news: I've begun taking a daily walk again! Took nearly an act of Congress to get me out there, but well, I'm out there. One block at a time, barely making it home yesterday (so pathetic!), but finding it easier this quiet sunny morning.

Oh, and Naomi brought us a small trampoline with a handle bar for us old folks. I'm working out on that thing, too, a couple minutes at a time.

Baby steps.... baby steps.... well, you know....


Oh, and yesterday Naomi brought in the mail before she left and wow... perfect timing, indeed, for my box of Country Living magazines arrived from my buddy, Betty. How lovely to have something to help ease Naomi's departure! 

And Betty included some lovely retro embroidered doilies which totally captured my heart! Did you notice the one in the top photo? I placed it beneath the glass so to protect it from our cats, and well, Daily Life. :) Besides, I love the look of anything under glass!


"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you."   ... Isaiah 26:3


I still have vintage fashion on my brain... Here's a Pinterest page with tons of lovely things!


  1. Anonymous5:29 PM

    With children and grandchildren on both coasts, saying good bye is always going to be for us. We find skyping is helpful however. I am content now as hubby and I are still doing ok...I have no idea what it will be when one of us goes however...that will be the hardest part. Most of our friends have been older and I told hubby the other day we really need to find some younger friends too...tis not fun to be loosing them, either mentally or otherwise.
    One of ours made the teen years very painful, so cannot say I would ask to return to that time...but there are days now I wish we could slow down time a bit...but one day, ONE WONDERFUL DAY time will be no more. As well as no more separations from those we love. I am so glad we have that in addition to the time now.
    Blessings, Elizabeth still in WA

  2. You're right, Debra....it's a discipline letting our adult children go. Hard!


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