Friday, June 21, 2013

It's Summertime at Hobbit Cottage

Summer's first day!

And our huge, takes-forever-to-trim honeysuckle hedges are bursting with blossoms, the scent which probably perfumes Heaven. It's that glorious.

And in honor of summertime, I finally, after over a year of considering doing this (these things take time. heh.), brought down this chair and table from Debra's World. Life on the front porch looks and feels better, more balanced and not so spindly or 'leggy' now.

Also--finally--after so many weeks of waiting, my first free issue of Country Living arrived. 

...what a perfect day for it!

And even though Tom and I tease that, at our next house, we'll have a yard only this size since I can easily, happily manage this side yard:

... on a day like this--one where my mowing of the lawn was rewarded by sun and blue skies and glorious quiet and that heavenly, bee-calling scent--well, this larger yard becomes worth all its work. I can 'garden walk' like a bee from plant to plant, flower to flower, and gaze, sniff and revel in the delight of owning a bit of land to make a garden for Tom and myself.

Happy Summer to you! Do something special to celebrate this longest day of the year, ok?


"Their trust should be in God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment."   ... 1 Timothy 6:17


Isn't it wonderful that they're still making retro furniture in today's modern world? Here are just a couple examples:

One here. (Check it out in red, also.)

And here.

I saw an even spiffier retro dining set this morning on The Price is Right, but I've not been able to find it online yet. I noted the Wayfair name, but not the manufacturer's name. sigh. Or...... perhaps they sold out already! :)


Oh! And my super-cheap mailing address labels ($4 plus shipping for 280) arrived today, also. I am thrilled with them--find the ones I chose here.  (My favorite way to own a farm --- photos on paper or paintings up on walls.)   :)

Love retro kitchens? These will steal your heart.


  1. Such an inviting porch! Our breezeway is shaping up nicely. It's muggy here today, but I'm not complaining. (yet, anyway.)

  2. Anonymous5:43 PM

    From that angle your porch looks wider than I realized it was! :) Beautiful!!!

    I went to the retro kitchen page and there on the left was my Wolverine kitchen hutch from my childhood!!! No wonder I love Hoosiers, they remind me of my childhood playing with this like it was my kitchen work table! :-) Oh how I loved getting cooking sets for christmas!!!! Still get a warm feeling when I see such sets in shops!

    Yes we are enjoying this day too. Had to go to the doctors but all is well. The rest of today is just relaxing and enjoying the garden...and home. What a wonderful word...home.... Ahhhh. Sarah

  3. It all looks and sounds beautiful/dreamy. Happy summer!

  4. I love it, the perfect place to sit and read a book or magazine !

  5. Everything looks wonderful, Debra! I love the living room you've created on the porch. That's where I'd spend every minute I could!

  6. All of your posts have a good feel, Debra, but this one showing your "new" front porch is especially peaceful...growing up I had a big porch full of white wicker furniture and in the summer I'd sit there and read my Nancy Drew books. Precious.

    Yes, I always do something special on the first day of's my birthday! As a child I thought it was pretty cool to have the longest day of the year for your birthday. lol.

  7. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I loved the retro kitchens but shivered a little when they kept saying "Mid-century". Sounds way older than mid-fifties !! Thanks for sharing Debra and your porch is lovely.

    Sandy Johnson


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