Thursday, May 23, 2013

Just This. Just That.

So! Yesterday our neighbors across the street got new windows and they look terrific. Ordinarily I'm not a fan of prairie-style, but these look perfect for that type of brick house (click to view them more clearly).

I like their patio, especially the brick planting boxes.

Aren't pansies such happy flowers? They always remind me of little girls' faces surrounded by big floppy bonnets, you know, Disney style.

I love my Herb & Etc. Garden. Smells great and makes me smile every morning when I visit.

Here's my favorite yard bunny. Sometimes he brings his wife. :) I'm using Cesar Millan's advice to stay calm around animals and now this bunny comes quite close to me without fear.

And here are just a few recent totally free groceries. Gotta love coupons and sales!


Need some cupcake baking cups? Here's a great coupon whether your store doubles or not. (Click on 'select this coupon to print', then click on the purple header which says you have 1 coupon ready to print.) After doubling at my store, these will be just .9 cents for me. I'll be able to get four since I have two computers and got two coupons from each.

And yay! More free yummy organic ice cream sandwiches. Rice Dream once again is offering their $2 off any product coupons at Facebook. I have four of those now, also (Tom and I love these things).


  1. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Sorry I have not been commenting. Busy. I do read but dan't think of a comment at that time... Many people here over the last couple of years have put in windows. all have been the same style though. Were they having a good sale on this style? :) Now all the 60s houses and the 40s houses all have the same windows. Looks good on some but after you see the same window all over town it looks kind of boring. :-) Maybe it is envy...we need new windows! Thanks for the pictures of your yard and furry friend. We never have any squirrels or rabbits. We do get stray cats and on occasion a stray pig or goat wonders onto the front yard till the owner finds it! !! One morning we opened the big bedroom window to find a cow with its lips right against the screen!! Now that IS a wake up!! Good morning!!!! I am late putting in veggies this year. I have part of them planted but more to go. Thank our Lord we do have a long growing season so there is time for the plants to mature. I need to plan ahead more now that this body is not 18!! I hope many see the coupon advice and take advantage. Those are again,good coupons!! Well on with the day...Good to 'hear' from you!! Sarah

  2. Linda K Foster8:26 AM

    I do love Pansies! One of my favorites. As they take me back to childhood in my grandmas front yard. She always had them growing! I grow some every summer.
    Enjoyed seeing your neighbors redo and your herb bed. Cleaning mine out in the spring is one of the loveliest things to do, as they smell so good! I read often, soaking it in like a sponge! Thanks Debra! Keep on! It does me so much good!

  3. Sarah--how wild to find a cow outside your bedroom window! :) Technically, here, we're not even supposed to be planting vegetables outside yet, (other than the cold weather ones like lettuce). The last weekend in May is considered the safe time here, so to us, you're right on time! :) Good to hear from you again...

    Linda--your comment totally warmed my heart... Thank-you so much, my Gladys friend!

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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