Friday, May 17, 2013

Bringing Life to Life!

"Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”     ... John 8:12


In and around my home there's French music playing from my retro kitchen radio and breezes flowing through the windows and two cats racing up, then down, the stairs. Cesar Millan is teaching dogs and clueless people on my computer, the washing machine is churning, coupons sit nearby needing clipping and the ceramic animals up on hutch tops smile down at me while soup simmers upon the stove. 

Sometimes the phone rings and earlier today, two men rang the doorbell offering us free smoke and CO2 alarms, but I thanked them and told them we're all set. Sunlight shines through the south side of the house and earlier I ran the vacuum and then some soapy water into the shining kitchen sink.

Outside? Oh, there's the hum of traffic over the bridge and a quieter hum of plants and vegetables growing. Birds swing upon the feeders, squirrels and baby doves skitter below for falling seed and a rabbit hopped down our sidewalk earlier. My neighbor-gifted lilac bush is topped with tiny violet buds, our yellow siding glows in some places, dances with leaf shadows in others. Sunflowers hopefully poke their leaves above the ground and I'm already picturing their happy faces, though they're weeks away.

There's Life around here! And oh, I respect it, create more of it and bask in it, for all life is fleeting, much too short to spend it in sour, negative moods, gazing into the dark side. And I don't need a carload of people, a bag of money or cards of appreciation in order to feel alive, complete and happy. I just need Jesus and this life He breathes through us.

So give yourself permission to celebrate, ok? Each day create more life, for God loves a cheerful giver so give, give and then give some more until your corner absolutely pulsates with His life released from within you. This sad, stressed-out world is in dire need of it. Of you. Of Him.

Colossians 3:16
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.”

“Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be.”



  1. Your post is very upbeat and I like that, and the painting of the girl in the garden with the chickens is a very happy scene.

  2. Rosemary9:19 AM

    Lovely post, Debra. The small, simple pleasures of home and nature truly are the best.


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