Friday, April 05, 2013

Debra's Springtime Delirium

"But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful."   ... Psalm 68:3


Don't you love it when, after a l-o-n-g winter, you can step outside and clean your patio furniture? I do. Oh, the sunshine gleaming off our sweet yellow house and the bistro tables I painted green! And the warmth out there! Okay, just 38 degrees, but with sunshine bouncing off everywhere and winter being done with? I felt perfectly comfortable with a sweater top over a tee-shirt. Happy sigh.

Oh! And can you see the ice flow in the river? For 20 years I've been reminded of Alaska every time I've spied floating ice, in sunshine or beneath clouds, doesn't matter.

And more... yesterday we had 52 incredible degrees and you should have seen me burst out our backdoor, grab a rake from the garage and start raking like one happy, delirious woman.

Winter is so over!

Wow--how did we ever enjoy life during our first six catless months here? Daniel and Sammy The Cats add happiness, fun and laughter to Hobbit Cottage. When Daniel arches his back and hops about on tip-toe while playing with Sammy, we call him Spider Monkey. These two guys are goofy--and we count ourselves extremely blessed to share our tiny home with them.


Happy Springtime!


"A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit."   ... Proverbs 15:13


A passionate love for Jesus changes everything.

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