Thursday, April 25, 2013

An Artist, A New Life, A Magazine

Remember my artist friend, Donna, who painted our farmhouse on canvas for us? Well, this is her in Allentown recently. 

Do you love this photo, or what? A painting in itself... 'Peaceful Painter'. An artist at work upon her portable easel. Old, old houses so close together, blue springtime skies after a long winter and sweet Donna still using her God-given ability, happily, even after losing her dear husband, John, one year ago this month, then spending weeks in the hospital afterward, then having knee surgery this year.

What a trooper! Donna still joyfully walks on, smiling, surrounded by many friends and living in her new, sweetest-apartment-ever on the side of the home she shared with John, but now shares with a good friend. 

I wrote about inspiration yesterday so here you go--an example. My friend, Donna.


Have you heard of this magazine? 

Me neither. :) But I came across this offer today which might interest some of you. You can receive a year's subscription for just $7.99 if you go here for more details. (This special offer disappears at midnight!)


By Saturday I'll have gotten all these items free in three smallish trips to my supermarket all thanks to local coupon bloggers who alert me to coupons and unadvertised specials, also, upon the shelves of my favorite store (which I'd, otherwise, just zoom past with my cart). Let this inspire you to hang in there with coupons, too! :)

7 cups organic coconut yogurt
2 bottles of Pure Leaf Tea
1 Neutrogena Naturals lip balm
8 jars baby food (for my stockpile: I chose banana so to bake it into banana bread)
4 St. Josephs aspirin (can use this in gardening)
4 Weight Watchers cream cheese wheels
1 box of Puffs facial tissue
1 Earthbound farms spring lettuce
1 Degree women's deodorant
1 bakery fritter and 1 croissant
1 4-roll bath tissue
1 Wonderful pistachios
4 Seafood Snackers crabmeat 
4 Duncan Hines frosting stir-ins
1.5 liter Pepsi
4 El Monterey Burritos (Dollar Tree)


Isaiah 41:10  fear not, for I am with you;  be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you,  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Matthew 17:20  He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”


There's another $1 off coupon for Roman Meal bread here (!)



  1. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Using aspirin in the garden? New one to me...fill me in please. It is truly amazing what you can get free!! :) Congratulations... ... again!!!

    People have amazing stories of inspiration if you just listen and observe. Stopping to listen is the key. We rush around in our grumpy moods groaning about the work going to pieces and drowned out the good stuff alllll around us!!! :-) Good stories Debra!! Sarah

  2. Hi Sarah! I found out this week that you can use aspirin as rooting hormone in the garden. Neat, huh? Here are some links:

    And yes! There are many inspiring stories out there if we'll only listen to them... Thanks for commenting! Blessings, Debra


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