Thursday, February 07, 2013

Obedience: A Mystery Solver


Not in a huge, wild-and-crazy way, but in a calmer one, yesterday I became antsy about moving away. You know, like, "I know we're supposed to move out-of-state, but, like, when? When should we get serious? When should we put the house up for sale?"

After awhile, I even wondered if 'when' might be now. I mean, after all, I've learned that God's timing is as vital, as important to obey, as the thing He asks you to do, itself.

Didn't help that I discovered an I've-waited-for-this-for-years prophetic website with tons of posts (click on 'blogs' and 'spirit') speaking about these Last Days and things such as mass exoduses of folks to different states, ones where they feel safer and more in tune with those states' policies, etc. Lots more there confirmed what I'd read earlier here through a newsletter which I'll forward to anyone who wishes to see it--email me at (My mouth dropped at how often she spoke what I'd been saying in my blog lately.) And I'm not even mentioning a couple other prophetic blogs I added to my blogroll. I've been busy. :)

Hey. We each enjoy certain quirky things--and well, I enjoy prophetic stuff. You know, meditating about what's been said, weighing it, pondering and finding confirmation about certain odd things I'd 'heard' inside my head/heart/who knows?


Then there's Tom's who's got a job interview on Monday with a local plant, which feels weird when I'm all set to move to Boise (or wherever). I told him I feel Jekyll and Hyde-ish lately, as though Good Ol' Debra could gleefully stay in New York forever, but Way Down Deep Debra believes we need to call Cher the real estate lady and get outta here quick.

Again, there was no wild-eyed-ness about this, just an unsettled wondering which colored my day.

But then this morning! God reminded me of this: "If you faithfully do Today what you're sure of, then Tomorrow's questions will eventually be answered. Tomorrow you'll find yourself in the right place at the right time."

And oh, the peace... The sweet, sweet peace. It's baaaaaack.

I certainly do know the tasks I should be completing today. The Holy Spirit's a pro at nagging revealing to me Today's To Do List:

Return to the Great Decluttering Project of 2013.
Keep stocking-up on groceries for the basement pantry using sales + coupons.
Get around to the basic house repairs that have needed doing for, er, months.
Make a written plan for someday selling the house.
Research Boise. Stay open to other areas. Listen. Pray.
Pay your bills.
Plan your flower beds.
Prepare for emergencies in all ways, physically, emotionally, spiritually.
Send your Valentines.
For goodness' sake, exercise.
Clean your house.

Oh my yes... There's no wondering about those! No huge questions there, no need for 2 angel appearances as confirmation. They simply should be plugged away at until their completion, rather than stepped over, ignored and procrastinated for months.

Plain old obedience can illuminate dark paths and solve all sorts of mysteries. Today I'm grateful for that reminder... I'm so very thankful for the return of sweet, calm, trusting peace.


Not certain what God's specifically asking of you lately? Often it helps to go back to the last thing you're sure He told you to do and ask yourself if you've faithfully completed that.

"In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."



  1. Debra, I did not know that you were thinking of moving to Boise,I need to catch up! I have no doubt though that you will do the right thing, you know how to listen to God and are obedient. I know what you mean about that peace, it does pass all understanding. You know I would love to see you move down this way!

  2. My husband always talks about moving to Texas...taxes in CA are getting so high. My whole family is here, however, so I would hate to leave but it sure is tempting at times...

  3. Julie nliT1:14 AM

    And to add to your list, don't forget to pet the cats! :)

    Lori, I escaped from Texas. It is sad that CA has so many financial issues because that is truly a lovely state in regards to physical/natural and climate.

  4. This is the perfect post for me today. My future is very uncertain, but I must remember to be faithful in what the Lord has given to me to do today.

    You are a blessing!

  5. I love my home, I have family nearby, and I thought I'd never want to move, but lately, I've been having thoughts of moving to Texas.
    I think it is very strange.

  6. Debra, as you know, we are moving, too. Moving from a very small town, safe community where few even lock their doors (though crime is slowly moving from the city out to our small town, too). But we are moving INTO the city. Our purpose (we thought) was to be closer to family, closer to an airport, and closer to our kids. But after listening to this sermon by Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church, we feel that God just may have something else in mind and we are trying very hard to be open to ways God may have in mind for us to bless our neighbors, be a light in the darkness, and sacrifice in order to grow His kingdom. Things to ponder for certain:


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.