Saturday, February 16, 2013

Here, There, Nowhere, Really

"The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song."   ... Psalm 28:7


So! Mostly I'm ok with my current life being all Up In The Air, who-knows-where-we'll-be-next-year?-ish. Tom and I got used to living this way after his first lay-off, you know, resting in God, trusting that all will be well and doing little tasks while believing they'll lead to bigger things.

You have to be patient when your life goes all Up In The Air. You can't just grab things and opportunities because--if you do--you'll probably grab soon-to-be-disasters and feel sorry about it for years.

And oh... Have we ever been tempted to grab some houses this week! In three different states, even--cute, sweet, cheap places we could buy outright after we sell Hobbit Cottage. My, my... Especially now when our low temps are 8 degrees and highs are 23 and when--if we took a deep breath and just snatched something--we could soon be basking in lovely 62 degrees, instead.

Is there really such a thing as 62 degrees outside? Every Buffalo February I have my doubts.

But instead, we wait. Listen. Even though I feel the grace to handle these long winters seeping away as a sign that  this year is truly the time to move away from this state we have loved for 20 years--even so--I try not to complain. But nearly every day now, even though we're trying to keep a good attitude, one or both of us will groan, "We've got to get out of here."

Tom sends out resumes, we both consider other plans, other options and sort and declutter and drive loads of stuff down to the Salvation Army bin located conveniently down the street. I clip more coupons, pay more bills, do the laundry and feed the cats. You know, keep up with the normal stuff while we're here, all Up In The Air.

And we're fine up here--honest. Fine amongst the new lessons and the old ones to be recalled, like the one about keeping our hearts calm so that they'll not beat too loudly within our ears, keeping us from hearing God's whispers. Right now, all we want is His will, His way, in His timing. So we'll be doing much listening in the days and weeks to come.

And all will be well.


"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."   ... Isaiah 40:31


Color me extremely grateful for those of you who left me sweet notes in my comment box on Valentine's Day. Thank-you! Our day was quiet, but special and sweet. Just about perfect, really.


Go here to get two very rare coupons for $1 off fresh pork.


Wow... Saw these people on the news tonight and what a blessing! How encouraging and uplifting.



  1. "And all will be well" Thank you, Debra. I am a recovering control freak whose life is very much up in the air right now. These lessons are so hard to learn. :-)

  2. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Funny but with the warning you gave us this week at first I was 'up in the air' a bit. Now though it has helped jell several projects needing done. Money is there now to do it and lets get it done case. Why just let it sit in bank and wonder how the banking system may fare. America has had several financially difficult times the last years and we might as well use some of our own money while it is still there!! Nothing wild just things we should have done a long time go. :) Like you redoing things at Hobbit Cottage. I always get bit shaky when things come up that are BIG then breath in and out and relax and go on with life. So on with life!! :) I will not tell you how warm it was today her. :-) Sarah

  3. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Good description of our life too...we are agreeing we are going to be vagabonds for awhile it appears. Rather unsettling in ways to be "houseless" at our age, but we feel we are where we were supposed to be for this time. This year looks to be one of more travel for us than any previous year of our lives. But we know WHO is with us and twill be ok, somehow!! Blessings on your journey too...whatever that turns out to least you have HIM and you also are still both together too.
    Elizabeth in VA now...


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