Saturday, January 26, 2013

Saturday Blessings

Oh! I am simply counting blessings today.

Tom has a lead on two local jobs.

The sun is glowing and we're due to warm up to 24 degrees (!)

Yesterday after I viewed all those American Idol videos I gave you, I discovered another page of videos and absolutely loved (loved!) Kez Ban, especially her second song. Really, if she created a cd today, I'd buy it tomorrow. My French radio station plays songs like hers and that's one reason I appreciate it so. Go here and scroll down to the final video, the one labeled Kez Ban. (Anyone else love her style? Let me know.)

And such great deals this morning from my dear ol' supermarket (though the free toothpaste was from Dollar Tree).

Nature Valley Granola Bars: .50 cents each
4 packages of cheese: $1 each
2 Nature Made Vitamin D3 100 ct. : $2 each
2 Chicken of the Sea tuna: Free
2 Seafood Snackers: Free
1 Duncan Hines flavor packet: Free
2 Colgate toothpaste: Free
2 Ronzoni pasta: .50 cents each

If I'd bought these at full price? $58.06
But today with sales and coupons I paid just $11.00


Now can you see why--around Hobbit Cottage--'full price' are bad, bad words? :)

Tom has the next four days off.

And last but not least, tomorrow is Naomi's 33rd birthday and I'm beyond grateful for all these decades with such a sweet gift of a daughter. 

(And wonder of wonders, I'm not feeling as ancient as I usually do on her birthdays!)

I share these because--when I reach Heaven--I long to be able to say, "I didn't miss one single blessing You sent down to me. I noticed and smiled at each one."


"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever."   ... Psalm 136:1



  1. Happy Birthday Naomi!

  2. Anonymous6:03 PM glad to hear of the job leads...pray all will work out!!

    Nice to have a daughter!! Hope you get to see her again ere long too.
    Elizabeth in VA

  3. JulienliT12:27 AM

    Wonderful about Naomi! I saw the AI audition in Chicago and Kez Ban was my favorite singer. I said t myself, "I would buy her music!" She is a singer-songwriter with maturity that adds to her talent.

  4. Dolores, Elizabeth, Julie--thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and good wishes! And Julie--how very cool that you also are ready to buy a cd from Kez Ban! Thanks much for letting me know... Blessings, Debra


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