Sunday, January 06, 2013

Exceeding Abundantly Times

"Now unto Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we dare ask, hope or think, according to the power that works within us."   ... Ephesians 3:20


Now, Tom's and my Exceedingly Abundantly might not look like much to you--and that's ok. Yours might appear like something we'd rather not have... but we can still be thrilled that you're there!

I mean here we are inside this tiny-but-paid-for Hobbit Cottage and last week while Tom was home (he got days off!) we again watched all three Lord of the Rings movies, probably for the 8th time. And how did I feel by the end of them? As though I'd just attended a Joyce Meyer Seminar, a Women of Faith Conference and a You, Too, Can Be Courageous Convention.

Yet with none of the exhaustion from traveling, milling around with thousands of people (God, uh, knows I don't like that) and staying in motel rooms. No, instead I felt revitalized, infused with new courage and ready to conquer all the messed-up junk in the world outside our pretty red door. 

(Talk about making a way where there is no way... He truly can bring us what we need when we can't go out and get it.)

Then yesterday I remembered I have over 300 free books (!) on my free Kindle Cloud Reader, so I read from a couple. Then I thought oh! Let's see how much the kindle version of Krazy Coupon Lady's book, Pick Another Check-Out Lane, Honey costs. 

As you know, one of my New Year's goals is to save even more money on groceries.

And well, the kindle version of PACOLH was the cheapest of them all--it cost only $4.24, which is like getting it for .25 cents since always charges $3.99 shipping for 'real' books, anyway (plus, you've got to wait 1 or 2 weeks for those and who has that kind of time?). Well, there was no waiting yesterday and poof! I read tons of it, then felt as though I'd just attended The Coupon Convention to End All Coupon Conventions. And am so majorly coupon inspired I can hardly stay inside my skin.

See? Like I said, my Exceeding Abundantly Phase might look like dusty little peanuts to you. But God knows us better than we know ourselves and no one can customize blessings (or our Life's Pathway) the way He can. No one.

That's why the power that works within us must be from Him. Only He knows the how and when and why of it all. Only He understands how Life--for each of us-- will work best.


"And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me."   ... John 12:32

"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts ... and be ye thankful."   ... Colossians 3:15



  1. Dearest Debra, Well, you did it! Even though I said I would make no new year resolutions, you've convinced me otherwise. My first one is to start counting calories and lose about 30 pounds. I started today. My second one is to start recording my household spending. (I got this idea from Mrs. White) Hubby pays the bills and I take care of food and household things from the money he gives me for this purpose. I am also going to start using more coupons. I am feeling excited about all this. Wish me luck. Dolores

  2. Yay, Dolores! I knew you were a smart lady. :) And yes--good luck! Or Good Blessings as we say around my house. :) I just know you will do great as you aim toward your new goals! Hugs, Debra

  3. Anonymous4:29 PM

    For some reason God is not leading me into coupons. Our budget on food is very low and we have never had a problem finding very very good prices here. Lots and lots of competition among stores around here. That and a garden. :) I have kept a record of all expenses for years and it is interesting to see what you spend or don't spend $ on. Also the totals !! :-) Yet, I am feeling lead to grow closer to Him. That is a positive lead. Also a need. As you say to each his own. {and we are His own! :) } And He knows us even better than we do. Thanks again for alllllll the inspiration Debra!! Sarah


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