Monday, December 03, 2012

Regularly Leaping Out of The Box

My buddy, Mary, sent me this Open Letter From Jesus About Christmas and I loved its out-of-the-box-ness.

Practically my whole life I've jumped out of the boxes others cram themselves into. You know, the same ol' crowd mentality way of thinking. Even as a teenager I rebelled against the normal, everybody-thinks-this-way of things, which meant I spent lots of time being sent to my room.

Although, being an introvert, I found my room a refreshing, un-normal place and was happy to go there. :)

Anyway, I hope you'll make your way over to that unique Open Letter. Lots of terrific, out-of-the-rut ideas there.


Netflix added many old-fashioned tv programs to its instant view line-up. Here are a few:

Bob Hope: The Comedy Hour

The Jack Benny Show

Spike Jones: The Legend

Abbot and Costello: The Colgate Comedy Hour

Red Skelton: America's Funniest Man

The Life of Riley/ Our Miss Brooks


Tom and I discovered another travel show at Netflix which delights us--it's called: Billy Connolly's Route 66. We enjoy any sort of travel program concerning Route 66 and Billy is quite the character/host. He reminds me of an uncle of mine, emotional, and able to insert a controversial subject faster than the speed of light, but in such a quiet way that it takes you by surprise and disables you from quite knowing how to voice your counter opinion.

Watch these episodes and you may see what I mean.  (But still, we think Billy is a hoot, he quickly grew on us and his Scottish accent truly is like music as someone on Route 66 told him.)


Speaking of out-of-the-box, some of you will love this article: 15 Creative Home Conversions. Wow. Amazing photos and inspiring ideas which illustrate that probably most of us have scrawny imaginations.



  1. Love that crazy funny Scotsman Billy Connelly (since "Mrs. Brown")!
    Will look for that show.

  2. OH! Check out "Long Way Round" and "Long Way Down" for another Scotsman and motorcycles - Ewan McGregor. Great fun.

  3. What a great letter...Lots to think about. I like this whole blog, I think...

    And I have to go look for Our Miss Brooks...always enjoyed Eve Arden.

  4. I love that you take the time to find such good links, Debra. I've never seen the Open Letter website before so I'm looking forward to going back and reading more later. That letter sounds just like something YOU would write to us!

    Thanks again.

  5. Thanks for the links. My dad loved Spike Jones.


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