Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Blessed Quiet Vacation

"Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest ([a]relief and ease and refreshment and [b]recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls."  ... Matthew 11:29


Yesterday I took the day off. Majorly. For the first time in maybe 2 years, I didn't feel well, this time because I cheated--I ate lots of yogurt (and other dairy, my favorite food group. Sigh.), which I can't (even when I stay up on my Vitamin C) when we run our heater which dries out the air (even though I attempt to moisten it), which messes with my sinuses and ears, which makes me cranky and tired, which--

Well, I'll spare you.

Mostly my day off was lovely. I sat in Tom's recliner, cuddled beneath our couch blanket, sipped tomato soup, stared at our living room and kitchen and nearly burst with gratitude. I watched scandalous amounts of Numb3rs, sometimes leaning back into the sunshine pouring through our picture window upon my face, closing my eyes and picturing myself lying beside Tom at the park beside Lake Ontario where time travel actually exists. At that place you're whisked away to the 1930's when Benny Goodman and other bands used to play there regularly.

Anyway. I also meditated about that verse, above, and how I'd planned to take a one week vacation at home at November's beginning, but God nudged me to make it two weeks, instead. Then three weeks and now--well, I think I'm understanding.

He wants me to keep my head (that ol' get-everything-done-and-be-a-good-girl-while-you're-doing-it thing) on vacation all the time. To receive the 'relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet for my soul' no matter what is happening in this crazy, confused world of ours. 

I'm thinking living this way just might become a necessity for those of us who wish to remain, well, sane.

So anyway, here's my goal: to live on vacation. You know, to discover new ways to feel like I'm always on vacation while still accomplishing all my work and errands and ministries. Joyfully. With no more heavy head.

It's possible, you know. I've lived without heavy head before for whole months at a time and these past three weeks I've been finding my way back to this sunny, relaxing, refreshing place. Thankfully.


"Be still and know that I am God."   ... Psalm 46:10

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."   ... John 14:27



  1. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I have a big tendency to do, do, do and keep moving till the day runs out. Now that I am older that doe not work as well as one day of doing, doing, doing means the next day of not, not, not!! My body feels better moving than sitting but I really need more rest now. In retirement hubby and I have learned that if the day starts and we feel we need to rest...well we rest...the whole day or for how long we need it. We need it,.. we do it. No guilt of any kind. That also for me means a rest from say tv for a while and into reading only or what ever has over whelmed me. It could mean a day of just sitting outside looking at His marvelous sky and then napping. In our ever noisy world it is harder and harder it seems to find quiet to listen for Him. Between gadgets and street noise and house noises we surround ourselves with too much to hear. We need to quiet down our mind and soul and put what is first first. I know I am guilty of forgetting to purposely do that enough. Sarah

  2. Sounds like a wonderful idea Debra!
    I think I just may try to do this myself!


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